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草莓在早些时候交过水的肥沃土壤中是较好成长的。Strawberries grow well in loamy soil that lets water pass through easily.

襄阳供试土壤为黄黏土,鄂州为棕壤土。The soil in Xiangyang was yellow clay soil and in Ezhou was brown loamy soil.

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树木能截留吸收更多的雨水,减少蒸发,培育出丰富,肥沃的土壤。Trees would capture more rain, reduce evaporation and create rich, loamy soils.

我能闻到大部分粮食已经坏了,混杂着泥土的味道。As I walked past, I could smell that much of the grain had spoiled, a bitter loamy odor.

中部和南部为轻壤质轻度盐化潮土和中度盐化潮土。Central and southern light loamy soil with mild and moderate salinity tidal wave of soil salinization.

人类改变了全世界的土壤,使它们颜色更深、更适耕种,且更富含有某些化学成份。People have altered soils the world over, making them darker, more loamy and richer in certain chemicals.

不过路过康纳德农场,有鸡圈,有沃土,我开始相信他的话了。But as we wandered past rooster pens and over loamy soil at the Konrad Family farm, I began to believe him.

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本文讨论了黄绵土不同作物下的土壤酶和养分流失及其相互关系。The paper studies the relationship of soil enzymes with nutrition loss of yellow loamy soil in different crops.

葡萄可以在表层土壤从肥沃到沙质,具有适度渗透力的粘土底层土中有非常好的生长。Grape vines thrive in well-drained soils with loamy to sandy surface layers over moderately permeable clay subsoils.

艾伦把羊群放到牧场上,羊群正在安心地啃着草,艾伦深深地吸入一口饱含土壤芬芳的空气。Aaron was out with the flock. The sheep were contentedly grazing and Aaron took a deep breath of the loamy scented air.

种植小麦时土壤缓冲力大于种植玉米时,壤质土壤对施用氮肥的缓冲力大于砂质土壤。Higher buffer power for Nmin accumulation was found in wheat crop and in loamy soil than in corn crop and in sandy soils.

不久,她走到了那片宽大的斜坡边缘,斜坡下面就是黑荒原谷的大片沃土,现在还隐匿在雾霭里,沉睡在黎明中。In time she reached the edge of the vast escarpment below which stretched the loamy Vale of Blackmoor, now lying misty and still in the dawn.

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眼镜堡一片广阔的、地势低的、典型的新月形沙堆或土堆,由风力形成,尤其是沿湖泊的顺风方向。A broad, low-lying, typically crescent-shaped mound of sandy or loamy matter that is formed by the wind, especially along the windward side of a lake basin.

在新的条件下,他们擅长的低牵引力表面以及高“壤土”牵引湿面如果没有橡胶已经考虑到赛车表面。In new condition they excel on low traction surfaces as well as high " loamy " traction wet surfaces where no rubber has been taken into the racing surface.

通过砂壤土人工土槽试验,对探地雷达技术在土壤剖面特征探测和土壤含水量测定方面的应用展开了研究。In this paper, we explore the application of ground penetration radar on soil layers detecting and soil volumetric water content measurement through one sandy loamy soil trough experiment.