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目的探讨实验性脊髓空洞症发病机制。Objective To investigate the etiology of experimental syringomyelia.

疼痛是最常见的症状与脊髓空洞症。Pain is the most commonly reported symptom associated with syringomyelia.

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疼痛是脊髓空洞症患者普遍的问题。Pain is a disabling and pervasive problem for patients with syringomyelia.

目的分析脊髓空洞症外科治疗疗效的影响因素。Objective To analyse the factors influencing results of surgery of syringomyelia.

目的探讨空洞蛛网膜下腔分流术治疗脊髓空洞症。Objective To discuss the treatment of syringomyelia with the cavity subarachnoid cavity shunt.

目的分析创伤后脊髓空洞症的MRI表现及其形成机制。Objective To analyze MRI manifestations of post-traumatic syringomyelia and its formation mechanism.

脊髓空洞症是指发展脊髓囊肿的结果扩大的中央管。Syringomyelia refers to the development a spinal cord cyst that results from enlargement of the central canal.

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目的目前对于枕骨大孔区畸形并脊髓空洞症患者的治疗仍有争论。Objective The surgical management of foramen magnum malformation associated with syringomyelia is controversial.

目的了解先天性小脑扁桃体下疝畸形合并脊髓空洞症的手术治疗效果。Objective To obtain the efficacy of surgery treatment for congenital tonsillar hernia deformity associated with syringomyelia.

临床用于肌肉萎缩、重症肌无力、肌营养不良、肌炎、运动神经元病、脊髓空洞症等痿症。Clinical for muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, motor neuron disease, such as atrophy disease syringomyelia.

结论脊髓空洞组竖脊肌肌纤维及运动终板的病理特征与AIS组明显不同。Conclusions The histochemical changes of paravertebral muscles in patients with scoliosis and syringomyelia are different from those in AIS patients.

目的报告颅颈减压术后小脑下垂应用颅骨成形术进行有效治疗的处理经验。Objective To report the experience in treatment of cerebellar ptosis following craniovertebral decompression for Chiari malformation with syringomyelia.

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探讨伴脊髓空洞症的脊柱侧凸患者在无神经症状且达到矫形指征时应否于矫形之前对脊髓空洞进行外科处理。To investigate whether syrinx should by treated before correction in patients with scoliosis complicated by syringomyelia without neurologic impairment.

最明显的发现是在颅颈连接部的较大的强高信号,术前被认为是脊髓空洞症。The most obvious finding was a vast high-signal intensity lesion at the craniocervical junction, which was speculated to be a syringomyelia before surgery.

目的报告颅颈减压术后小脑下垂应用颅骨成形术进行有效治疗的处理经验。Objective To report the experience in the treatment of Cerebellar ptosis following Craniovertebral decompression for Chiari malformation with syringomyelia.

大多以枕颈部疼痛、上肢乏力麻木、手部肌肉萎缩为首发症状,早期易误诊为颈椎病,脊髓空洞症等。It can be misdiagnosed as cervical spondylosis and syringomyelia at early stage. CT and MRI are helpful to ascertain the location and naiure of these tumors.

传统上,一直在治疗脊髓空洞症与分流的囊肿安置导管之间的囊肿和蛛网膜下腔或肋膜腔。Traditionally, syringomyelia has been treated with shunting of the cyst by placement of a catheter between the cyst and the subarachnoid space or pleural cavity.

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结果颅后窝减压术后随访89例,术后临床症状均有不同程度的缓解,并存疾病如脊髓空洞症明显改善。Results Improvement of associated syringomyelia and relief of the clinical symptoms were achieved in89patients who underwent posterior cranial fossa decompression.

方法对14例先天性小脑扁桃体下疝畸形合并脊髓空洞症患者,根据不同的病情采用相应的手术方式进行治疗。Methods 14 patients with congenital tonsillar hernia deformity associated with syringomyelia had been treated with correspondent surgery depending on their case condition.

脊髓空洞症可藉由磁共振成像来诊断。通过手术矫正致病因素,能使患者的身体状况趋于稳定或得到改善。Syringomyelia may be diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgery to correct the condition that caused the syrinx to form may stabilize or improve a patient's health.