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房屋下方有地下通道。There is a underpass under the house.

你走天桥,我走天上路。You take the flyover, I've underpass.

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当我从这个地下道走,哪里是出口?When I use this underpass where does it exit?

请使用那边的地下通道。它是安全的。Please use the underpass over there. It's safe.

或我们深海潜水发现附近的地下道?Or the deep-sea diver we found near the underpass?

往回走大约10米。那儿有一条地下通道。Go back for about 10 meters. There is an underpass.

穿过立交桥下的通道一直走到广告牌处。Go through the underpass until you come to an ad Post.

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发洪水期间,汉格巷地下通道被关闭。The Hanger Lane underpass was closed through flooding.

不要穿越马路,从地下道走比较安全。Don't walk across the street, it's safer to take the underpass.

在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道。Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.

那就是他们建这么多天桥、地下通道和公路的原因吗?Is that why they're constructing so many underpass es, overpasses and highways?

对地道桥在实际工作中的应用,本文所提供的信息是有参考价值的。The information involved would be and valuable for application of underpass bridges.

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兴建和运作一条四线及130米长的行车隧道及有关的道路改善工程。Construction and operation of a four-lane, 130m underpass and its associated roadworks.

你可以冒交通危险穿过去,或者你可以走地道,不过那里很臭也很怕人。You can risk the traffic or you can use the underpass smelly and horrible though it is.

对地道桥在实际工作中的应用,本文所提供的信息是有参考价值的。The information involved would be helpful and valuable for application of underpass bridges.

后来,我们在马路的另一边看到一家超市,所以我们就穿过地下道要去对面买东西。Then, we saw a supermarket across the street, so we went through the underpass to go shopping.

上海市东方路下立交工程的N01、N02开挖段位于已运营的地铁二号线正上方。The N01 and N02 excavations of Dongfang Road Underpass project are right above the Metro Line II.

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警方称一大群人都挤向一个通道,已经“完全溢了出来”。Crowds of people going one way through the underpass had “totally overfilled it,” according to police.

警方称一大群人都挤向一个通道,已经“完全溢了出来”。Crowds of people going one way through the underpass had “totally overfilled it, ” according to police.

穿过加洛斯路下面的地下过道,然后在第一个交通信号灯向右拐就上了威廉斯车道。Go through the underpass under Gallows Road then turn right at the first stoplight onto Williams Drive.