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可悲的事实是学校都是昂贵的。The sad truth is that school is pricy.

他要送给女朋友昂贵的礼物。He will present a pricy present to his girlfriend.

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为孩子买东西,要实用,不必昂贵。For children shopping should be prudent, not pricy.

但是真空板太昂贵了,以至于限制了它的广泛使用。But vacuum-insulated panels are too pricy for widespread use.

在IOS里,航班跟踪的软件一直有点小贵。For some reason, flight-tracking apps are a little bit pricy on iOS.

这个价位购买一盏落地灯可能太过昂贵,不过同时也能得到一个灯下座位就不一样了。Possibly a pricy way to acquire a floor lamp, but you get a seat thrown in as well.

取得图书咨询学、英语、音乐或教育专业硕士学位的个人可能会获得极大的愉悦感,但“学费”高昂。Getting a master's in library and information science, English, music, or education can be extremely gratifying but pricy.

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一笑百媚生。再高价的衣服,再高档的护肤品也不及会心的笑容。One gleam from her beams one hundred kind of charm. The pricy clothes and skin care products are not nearly a bright smile.

有一款真空隔热板是迄今为止最好的,但其造假昂贵,不利于普及使用。And a panel encasing a vacuum is one of the best insulators known. But vacuum-insulated panels are too pricy for widespread use.

自助餐就比较贵了,一般人均消费在250元以上。当然还是物有所值的。The cost of buffet would be a little more expensive. It's normally above 250rmb per person. However pricy food brings good taste.

吉普尼看起来不像其它车那样昂贵,但是它带着你探索任何你想到的地方的舒适感觉是无价的。It may not look as pricy as other vehicles, but the comfort you get when you ride on a jeepney whenever you explore places is priceless.

从繁忙的日程表中牺牲一些时间来陪陪别人要比在高级的百货公司中买贵重礼物送人有意义多了。Sacrificing time from one's busy schedule to give to another is often more meaningful than a pricy gift from an upscale department store.

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老实说,很少发烧友体验过一个足够好的低音炮可以对他的便宜系统产生什么影响。To be blunt, a relatively small number of audio enthusiasts have heard what an honest sub -woofer can do for their often pricy sound system.

独立小包装的东西——燕麦,坚果,种子和藜麦等等都会贵点,而大量散装的话价格就会便宜些。“Things that can be pricy in small packages — steel cut oatmeal, nuts, seeds, quinoa, and so on — can be a fraction of the price in bulk,” she says.

可以协定好你不降价我就不降,然后可以找个刚处理完离婚纠纷的,著名律师来作见证人,那样他们就放心对方不会打价格战了They could say I won't lower my prices if you don't lower your prices, and they could put this contract in with the pricy lawyer, who's taking a day off from the divorce court, and that would secure that they wouldn't lower prices on each other.