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ER住宅位于巴西利亚西北向约70公里处。The house ER is situated 70km northwest of Brasília.

绿党在巴西利亚的某些地方亦丧失了道德动力。It, too, lost its moral impetus somewhere in Brasilia.

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卫生官员称,巴西利亚已经有183人感染。Health officials say 183 people have been infected in Brasilia.

11月的巴西利亚高原,草木葱茏,气候宜人。The Brasilia Plateau in November is verdant in comfortable climate.

巴西利亚是一个现代城市的设计项目,由海军科斯塔。Brasilia is the result of a modern urban project designed by Lúcio Costa.

在巴西利亚,工人们正在重建加林查体育场。Employees work on the reconstruction of Mane Garrincha stadium in Brasilia.

很高兴在美丽的巴西利亚同大家再次相聚。It gives me great pleasure to join you again in the beautiful city of Brasilia.

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克林顿在巴西利亚和巴西总统卢拉举行了会谈。Clinton held talks in Brasilia with Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva.

他最负盛名的作品是为在巴西里亚的巴西议会大厦。Perhaps his best-known creation was the National Congress building in Brasilia , the capital.

图为美国奥巴马总统与巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫在三月举行于巴西利亚的会议上。President Obama and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff during a meeting in Brasilia in March.

实际上,当时接受采访的这位所谓的达席尔瓦先生正从伦敦飞往巴西利亚。In fact, at the time of the supposed interview Mr da Silva was flying from London to Brasilia.

巴西利亚的美国学校里,一个小男孩扮成吸血鬼去参加万圣节狂欢。A boy wearing a Halloween costume attends 'Halloween Carnival' at the American School in Brasilia.

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巴西首都巴西利亚,警察向反世界杯以及土著示威者发射催泪弹。Police in Brazil have fired tear gas at anti-World Cup and indigenous 1 demonstrators in the capital, Brasilia.

在布希到访前两天,抗议者整夜在巴西利亚数个地标涂鸦。Protesters sprayed several landmarks in Brasilia overnight, two days ahead of a visit by U. S. President George W. Bush.

如果希望在巴西利亚的听证会上亲自发表意见,请在递交原始材料时明确说明。Please state clearly, at the time of the original submission, if you wish to testify in person at the hearing in Brasilia.

在本学期稍后,本课程将有巴西里亚之旅以进行案例研究。Then later in the semester, the class will make a trip to Brasilia to research it as a case study, documenting their trip.

默克公司说他们已经把依法韦仑的价格降低了,并且愿意进一步降低他的价格,但是默克的价格显然不能满足巴西人的需要。Merck says it had already reduced the price of Efavirenz and was willing to cut further, but not enough to satisfy Brasilia.

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这些互动将成为胡锦涛和金砖四国其他领导人周四、周五齐聚巴西利亚时的讨论焦点。Those interactions will be the focus of discussion as Mr. Hu and other BRIC leaders gather in Brasilia on Thursday and Friday.

发发从出生以来就住在巴西利亚动物园,今年经过手术被摘除了卵巢和子宫。Fafa has been living in Brasilia Zoo since its birth and had undergone surgery this year to remove both its ovaries and uterus.

它的名字是为了纪念巴西前总统儒塞利诺库比契克,正是这位总统在上个世纪50年代推动建设新首都巴西利亚。Its name pays homage to former Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek, who established Brasilia as the nation's capital in the 1950s.