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蓝波斯菊鲜汤火锅凭什么成功突围?Why KOSMOS soup pot breakout success?

子组、断接子组和递归模式Subgroups, breakout subgroups, and recursive mode

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Flipboard成为2011年风靡一时的新闻阅读程序。Flipboard becomes the breakout news reading app of 2011.

两者的商业模式都极具突破,拥有大批拥趸。Both are breakout businesses, with legions of devoted followers.

在卸开作业的过程中,卸螺纹大钳属于主动型大钳。The breakout tongs are the active tongs during breakout operations.

春花怒放,犹若阵阵不可言说的爱之痛苦。THE SPRING flowers breakout like the passionate pain of unspoken love.

1975年,乔布斯奉命开发一款同“乒乓”相似的游戏“突出重围”。In 1975, Jobs was tapped by Atarito work on the Pong-like game Breakout.

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如果是那样,用系统1或系统2的突破止损能帮助你兑现利润。In that case, your S1 or S2 breakout stop would get you out with a profit.

他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。9…His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the buddy -cop movie "Rush Hour ."

2008年夏季奥运会标志着北京在世界舞台上闪亮登场。The 2008 Summer Olympics marked Beijing's breakout moment on the world stage.

赫敏,显然发生了集体越狱,魔法部封锁了消息。Hermione, there's obviously been a mass breakout which the Ministry has hushed up.

他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the blockbuster buddy-cop movie "Rush Hour.

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他在好莱坞的突破是在1998,因为一部“尖峰时刻”的警察电影而一鸣惊人。His Hollywood breakout came in 1998 with the blockbuster buddy-cop movie "Rush Hour."

使用开盘区间突破交易时,早盘发生的入场信号是最理想。The early entry price action is ideal when using an opening range breakout for entry.

休息室和母婴室的陈设好像机场的行政贵宾室。Breakout rooms and mother-and-baby rooms are furnished like airport executive lounges.

否则,可能会将断接子组中已经存在的某人添加到主组中。Otherwise, you may add someone to the main group who's already in a breakout subgroup.

铸坯裂纹漏钢在连铸生产过程中经常发生。The billet crack breakout would take place often in the process of continuous casting.

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我们知道小奥尼尔在很多年前有爆发过的赛季,也有许多的膝伤。Obviously, Jermaine O'Neal had his breakout season many years and many knee injuries ago.

这为兰多夫打开了大门,让他的新赛季多了更多值得期待的地方。That kicks the door wide open for Anthony Randolph to have the breakout season many expect.

一些投资人表示,突破了1,130点可能带动标普500指数在年底前升至1,250点.Some investors say a breakout through 1,130 could take the S&P 500 up to 1,250 by year's end.