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1986年,耶拿东蔡重新开始生产相机。While in 1986, Carl Zeiss Jena resumed production of cameras.

1863年,卡尔。蔡司成为宫廷的指定提供商。In1863 Carl Zeiss is appointed supplier to the Grand-Ducal court.

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即使在今天,合并后的卡尔蔡司公司还在做此工作。And now the unified Carl Zeiss continues to do so to this very day.

1894年蔡司公司开始大量生产棱镜双目望远镜。The mass production of prism binoculars by Zeiss then began in 1894.

甚至在计算机辅助镜头设计方面,卡尔蔡司也起到了关键的工程角色。Carl Zeiss even played a pioneering role in computer aided lens design.

卡尔蔡司1846年成立于Jena,是一家生产精密光机的工厂。Carl Zeiss was founded in1846 in Jena as a workshop for precision mechanics and optics.

卡尔蔡司于1995年秋天,解散了原耶拿的业余天文望远镜部门。Carl Zeiss dissolved their amateur telescope division located at Jena in the Fall of 1995.

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随着东西两德外交关系的终结,东西两家蔡司公司也开始自寻出路了。As diplomatic relations between East and West were closing, both Zeiss companies sought out new sources.

作为一个具有远见的人,蔡司意识到了这一点。并决心做点什么。As a man of foresight, Zeiss is well aware of this lack. And he finds something ought to be done about it.

蔡司和阿贝都依赖肖特的进展来促进蔡司公司产品的改进和提升。Zeiss and Abbe relied on Schott for advances that would make Zeiss product development and improvements possible.

卡尔蔡司光学镜头将带来清晰,而双LED闪光灯,可让你把美丽照片白天或晚上。The Carl Zeiss optical lens brings added clarity, while the dual LED flash lets you take great pictures day or night.

蔡司照相机目镜,由蔡司专为观鸟镜系列制造的可同时捕获数字式图片的装备!Zeiss Camera Eyepiece DC4 For Diascope Spotting Scopes by Carl Zeiss Observe and Capture Digital Pictures at the Same Time!

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20世纪的第一年蔡司的员工就已经超过1070人,并且增长仍在持续。The first year starting with 19 sees the Carl Zeiss company employing no less than 1070 people, and there is no end of growth.

N8手机看起来像苹果的iPhone,拥有1200像素卡尔·蔡司光学镜头的数码照相机以及3.5英寸的显示屏。The N8, which looks like Apple.'s iPhone, features a 12-megapixel digital camera with Carl Zeiss optics and a 3.5 inch display.

这标志着,自1995年秋天蔡司解散业余天望部门后,首次出现了这样的新仿品。This marked the first production of such accessories since when Zeiss dissolved their amateur telescope division in the Fall of 1995.

阿贝第一次拜访Winkel是在1894年,1911年蔡司公司成为该公司的主要股东。Ernst Abbe first visits Winkel in 1894. In 1911, Carl Zeiss becomes the principal shareholder of the company, which continues to grow.

事实上,1996年年底的合并后的蔡司的利润表,就是衡量公司合并后带来的冲击的最好尺度。In fact 1996 finally showed a profit for the unified Zeiss thereby indicating a good measure of recovery from the impact of unification.

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这一革新为卡尔蔡司开辟了新纪元,蔡司卡是继续研发那种拥有迄今为止从未听说过的聚光能力的镜头。This innovation opened up newpossibilities for Carl Zeiss and it started to develop lens types withhitherto unheard-of light gathering power.

在此后的六年中,蔡司和阿贝通过紧密合作奠定了光学系统制造及设计的理论基石。During the ensuing six years, Zeiss and Abbe work intensively to lay the scientific foundations for the design and fabrication of optical systems.

1896年卡尔蔡司普兰那结构镜头亮相,这种镜头结构至今仍能在不少地球和太空中摄影用专业光学镜片上见到。In 1896 Carl Zeiss presented its Planar lens. This lens type is still found in many professional optical tools for photography on Earth and in space.