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船上的船员中有10名意大利人、五名罗马尼亚人和一名克罗地亚人。On board was a crew of 10 Italians, 5 Romanians and one Croatian.

克罗地亚人民对中国人民怀有深厚的友情。The Croatian people hold profound friendship with the Chinese people.

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一群散布在克罗地亚沿海的小岛正在出售中。A string of tiny islands scattered off the Croatian coast are up for sale.

至于摩德里奇,曼奇尼刚来到英格兰,就一直欣赏他的表现。Mancini has been a fan of Croatian Modric since he arrived in this country.

克罗地亚人的下一个对手,是周日罗迪克与索德林决战后的胜者。The Croatian will play either Andy Roddick or Robin Soderling in Sunday's final.

崔氏尔是首府札格拉布独立观光业谘询。Zeljko Trezner, is an independent tourism consultant in Croatian capital Zagreb.

克罗地亚议长贝比奇向遇难者表示深切哀悼。Croatian Parliament Speaker Luka Bebic extended profound condolences to the victims.

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克罗地亚语的很多时态和语法结构都和法语的很像,a lot of the tenses and the grammar structure in Croatian is very similar to French,

顿涅兹克矿工已经宣布他们从阿森纳签下了克罗地亚射手爱德华多。Shakhtar Donetsk have announced the signing of Croatian striker Eduardo from Arsenal.

参数克罗地亚办公厅主任一工作人员作出是合法的,不能被排除。The argument the Croatian chief-of-staff makes is legitimate and cannot be ruled out.

不过历经五年的奋斗以及一场战争之后,这些塞族人被获胜的克罗地亚军队赶出了卡拉伊纳。Five years and a war later, they were driven out of Krajina by a victorious Croatian army.

一个破旧的酒吧老板雇佣了一个神秘的克罗地亚杀死一个熟人的未偿债务。A seedy bar-owner hires a mysterious Croatian to murder an acquaintance over an unpaid debt.

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克罗地亚总统约西波维奇向中方表示深切慰问。Croatian President Ivo Josipovic expressed sincere condolences to China over the earthquake.

我和克罗地亚人没有问题,我也不认为他们敌视塞尔维亚人。I don't have a problem with Croatian people and I don't think they have a problem with Serbians.

红星力压游击夺得联赛冠军,不过克罗地亚的球会已经提前退出。Red Star won the Yugoslav championship ahead of Partizan, yet the Croatian clubs had already withdrawn.

克罗地亚射手自从二月下旬,与伯明翰比赛中以令人恐惧的方式断腿后,一直缺席到现在。The Croatian has been out since late February after breaking his leg in horrible fashion at Birmingham.

温格对签下马里奥。曼祖基奇不感兴趣。上个周末媒体报道说这位克罗地亚射手很可能会转会到埃米尔球场。Over the weekend, the Croatian striker was strongly linked in the media with a move to Emirates Stadium.

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他说在执行一家克罗埃西亚的公司的定单的时候,他曾准备去那家工厂看看,那家工厂没有网址。He said he was trying to the reach the factory, which has no Web site, to fill a Croatian company's order.

它是达尔马提亚内陆的传统乐器,也是拥有大量克罗地亚人口的黑塞哥维那的传统乐器。It is the traditional instrument of inland Dalmatia and of Herzegovina, with dominant Croatian population.

这对夫妇来自克罗地亚东部的德扎科沃镇,近日买下了10岁大的小狗巴鲁。Marica and Peter Mokry from the east Croatian town of Djakovo recently bought 10-year-old Rotweiller Balu.