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哈布斯堡王朝的鲁道夫一世在1218-1291之间曾是德国国王和神圣罗马君主。Rudolf 1 of Hapsburg who was German King and Holy Roman Emperor from 1218-91.

但西班牙应该保持为哈布斯堡王朝所统治,不过这势必会引起法国的全力阻挠。Perhaps Spain should remain a part of Hapsburg domains, but this might lead to confrontation with France.

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得益于它座落在哈布斯堡王朝边界的地理位置,科希策同时具有匈牙利人和斯拉夫人的渊源。Thanks to its location along the border of the Hapsburg Empire, Kosice has Slavic as well as Magyar roots.

中欧一地区和旧时的公国,在奥地利南部。335年后该地区是哈布斯堡王朝的统辖区。A region and former duchy of central Europe in southern Austria. It was part of the Hapsburg domains after 335.

在她统治期间,瑞典国王埃里克和奥地利查理大公都曾谈过。Through the course of her reign, negotiations were conducted with Erik of Sweden and the Hapsburg Archduke Charles.

哈布斯堡王朝,德国王室,15~20世纪欧洲主要的王室之一。Habsburg dynasty or hapsburg dynasty royal german family one of the chief dynasties of europe from the15th to the20th century.

该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到4世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心,于52'年开始为哈布斯堡王朝所统治。Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 4th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 52'.

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该城自公元9世纪就已闻名于世,到14世纪为止是一个处于领先地位的文化及商业中心。Known since the 9th century, it was a leading cultural and commercial center by the 14th century and came under Hapsburg rule in 1526.

现任西班牙国王,“被诅咒的”查尔斯二世是一个可悲的弱智,哈布斯堡家族伟大先辈脚下的一道阴影,还是一个没有子嗣的痿哥。Charles II, "El Hechizado" or "the Bewitched" is a feeble-minded and pathetic figure, a shadow of his Hapsburg ancestors, and childless.

几百年来,维也纳一直都是欧洲的帝国之都。也是具有深远影响的强大的哈布斯堡家族的故都。For hundreds of years, it has been an imperial capital of Europe, home to the powerful Hapsburg Empire, which spread its influence far and wide.

在南边,西班牙需要一位正统的哈布斯堡王朝继承人,而他们现任的那位查理二世只是个软弱无能的低能儿,这意味着有一天波旁王朝的后裔将可能会在马德里手握权杖。To the south, the lack of a Hapsburg heir in Spain – and the feeblemindedness of Charles II – means that a Bourbon could one day rule in Madrid.

1806年,在拿破仑统治期间,哈布斯堡王朝对于列支敦士登的统治结束了,而这个国家也获得了真正意义上的独立。In 1806, during the Napoleonic age, Liechtenstein's obligations to the Hapsburg emperor disappeared, and the country was granted true independence.

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公元前178年被罗马占领,是哈布斯堡帝国的重要军港,1919年划归意大利,1947年划归南斯拉夫。Captured by Rome in 178 bc , it was a major naval station of the Hapsburg empire and passed to Italy in 1919 and to Yugoslavia in 1947. Population, 47,414.

1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hrad?any Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague.

1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradaany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague.

1618年,为了表示对哈布斯堡王朝统治的不满,布拉格市民将几个皇家官员从克拉克尼城堡的窗中扔了出去,从而制造了所谓的“布拉格扔出窗外”事件。In 1618 citizens of Prague expressed their dissatisfaction of Hapsburg rule by throwing several royal officials out of the windows of the Hradåany Castle in the so-called Defenestration of Prague.

在普鲁士发生了与俄国一样的事情,东欧的其他地区也是一样,特别是哈布斯堡王朝的领域,说个不好的双关语吧,被迫签下契约变成农奴的人们把这些地区改头换面了What happens in Russia is what happens in Prussia, as well, and in other parts of Eastern Europe, particularly in the Hapsburg domains--you have, to make a very bad pun, a resurfacing of the region by people forced into serf contracts.