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油菜抽薹了。The rape has bolted.

那部机器从油菜籽榨出油。The seed of the rape plant.

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金黄的油菜花在风中摇曳。Golden rape flower in the wind.

想象丽达一诗中,强奸。Again, think of the rape of Leda.

下剩的油菜籽不多了。There aren't many rape seeds left.

油菜花使田野变得黄灿灿。Rape flowers were yellowing the fields.

这里油菜和大麦轮种。Rape and barley are grown is rotation here.

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油菜子,不论是否破碎。Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken.

当子弹?暴强?了黑夜的怜悯。While bullets rape the night of the merciful.

红烧鲤鱼和鲜蘑油菜。B Red cooked carp and rape with fresh mushrooms.

罗马人抢掠萨宾族妇女就是最好的例子。the rape of the Sabine women is a case in point.

地里种着小麦、油菜及其他作物。The fields are under wheat, rape and other crops.

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潮欲涨,浪更狂,整个时空即将就此湮灭。The tide will take, the sea will rise and time will rape.

到1938年3月底,大多数奸杀行为均已结束。By the end of March 1938, most of the rape and killing ended.

有些篇子讲的就是阴险狡诈,乱伦,谋杀,强奸。There are episodes of treachery and incest and murder and rape.

在春天,到处开的都是黄色的油菜花。In the springtime, yellow rape sead flower blossomed everywhere.

绍兴万年青是将油菜的菜蕻经烫漂、去水和烘焙制得。The bolts of rape are first quickly boiled, then dried and baked.

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任金祥等待着九月份在田地上播种油菜籽苗。Ren Jinxiang is waiting until September to seed rape on her field.

他们在意念中不知把这个女人奸污了多少次。They do not know a this woman rape or seduce in idea how many times.

林芝的春天,油菜花盛开的田野。Nyingchi in spring. The land becomes a sea of blossoming rape plants.