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狱长同意了。Pope agrees.

他和教皇之间。Him and the pope.

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那教皇是谁选出来的?Who elects the Pope?

可能计算机代表了大师。Maybe it speaks for the Pope.

也许除了罗马的教皇。Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

神马时候剑宗这么多了!When god horse sword Pope so much!

教皇是谁选举的?,是红衣主教。Who elects the Pope? Well the cardinals.

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为什么鲍博会让杰克逊绕到他的后面?Why did Pope let Jackson get behind him?

皇帝企图废黜教皇。The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.

我的故事简直就和教皇本尼迪克特十六世一样。My story is like that of Pope Benedict XVI.

蒲柏总是四平八稳、始终如一、温文尔雅。Pope is always smooth, uniform, and gentle.

教皇已经打开了潘多拉的宝盒。The Pope may thus have opened Pandora’s Box.

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全城居民倾巢而出欢迎教皇。The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope.

斯廷、玛丽·波普·奥斯本和其他许多人。L. Stine, Mary Pope Osborne, and many others.

人孰无过?心存宽恕,就是圣洁。-蒲柏。To err is human, to forgive, divine. -- Pope.

新教皇召令波罗一行回到阿克里。Then new pope summoned the Polos back to Acre.

你愿意成为教皇或是毒枭帕布洛·艾斯科巴吗?Would you rather be the pope or Pablo Escobar?

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他是访问白宫的第一位教皇。He was the first pope to visit the White House.

教宗博尼费斯八世否认玛丽亚的处女性。Pope Boniface VIII denied the virginity of Mary.

教皇有一个由红衣主教和主教组成的议院。The Pope has a house with cardinals and bishops.