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关贸总协定是临时的。GATT was ad hoc and provisional.

欧共体多次阻挠关贸总协定专家小组的组建。The EC repeatedly blocked formation of a GATT panel.

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在战后很长一段时间,解决争端机制一直是关贸总协定体系中的一个薄弱环节。For much of the postwar period, dispute settlement was a weak link in the GATT system.

该组织的前身是一个各国遵守了50年的贸易体系GATT。The organization updated the original GATT trading system that countries had used for 50 years.

自由贸易协议的细则在关贸总协定和服务贸易总协定的基础上继续发展。GATT and GATS are the foundation in which the details concerning the free trade agreement are further developed.

多边贸易体系是在关贸总协定下经过一系列的贸易谈判发展起来的。The multilateral trading system was developed through a serious of trade negotiations or rounds, held under GATT.

世贸有“成员”。关贸总协定有“缔约方”,强调了关贸总协定正式而言是一个法律文本。The WTO has "members". GATT had "contracting parties" underscoring the fact that officially GATT was a legal text.

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中国既是关税与贸易总协定的原始缔约国,又是自始至终全面参加乌拉圭回合多边贸易谈判的国家。China was an originalcontracting state of GATT and joined the negotiation of Uruguaysround from beginning to the end.

在对待农业贸易方面,新的协定同以往的关税贸易总协定有着基本的不同。The new rules represent a fundamental departure from the way agricultural trade was previously treated under the GATT.

随着乌拉圭回合农业协议的逐步实施,中南半岛的稻米产业将会获得进一步的发展。The industry will be got further development with progressive enforcement of GATT Uruguay-round agricultural agreement.

起源于GATT争端解决实践中的“司法克制”思想,在WTO时代也得以“衣钵继承”并呈现出新的特色。The judicial restraint originated from GATT dispute settlement has been preserved and obtains a new characteristic in WTO.

反倾销是关贸总协定和世贸组织赋予进口国适当自我保护的一项合法权利。Antidumping is one of the legitimate rights which GATT and WTO entrust to the import country for considerable self-protection.

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GATT第XX条为部分涉及环保的技术性贸易壁垒实施设立了条件和要求。Article XX of the GATT sets out conditions and requirements for the application of environment-related technical barriers to trade.

它使得农业贸易在关贸总协定下获得了同工业贸易一样的对待并且使得进口保护变得更加透明。It moves agricultural trade toward the same treatment as manufactures under the GATT and provides transparency of import protection.

中国恢复关贸总协定缔约国地位和加入世贸组织已经走过了15年历程。China has gone through a journey of 15 years in order to first resume the contracting party status in GATT and later to enter the WTO.

关贸总协定的其余部分主要是用来防止以非关税壁垒形式来逃避第二条所规定的关税义务。Much of the remainder of the GATT is designed to prevent evasion of the tariff obligations of article II by the use of nontariff barriers.

关贸总协定的争端解决机制允许争端一方无限期阻挠有关案件终审裁决的执行。The GATT dispute resolution system permitted a party to a dispute to block indefinitely the adoption of a final determination in the case.

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服务贸易争端解决机制是世贸组织将传统的关贸总协定争端解决机制扩展而得的新领域之一。The WTO dispute settlement system for trade in services is an expanded field based on the traditional dispute settlement system under GATT.

尽管这些措施在本质上并不违背关贸总协定规则,但许多具体做法与关贸总协定仍存在着差异。Though these measures are not essentially against the principles of GATT, there still exist differences between many concrete deeds and GATT.

关贸总协定所倡导的是无条件的最惠国待遇,并且与双边最惠国待遇不同,它是多边的无条件的最惠国待遇。Advocated by the GATT is unconditional MFN treatment, and with the bilateral MFN difference, it is multilateral and unconditional MFN treatment.