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新型显像管有旋转800线圈的功能。The new kinescope has a revolving power of 800 lines.

阐述了系统的基本工作原理、硬件接口的工作原理与组成以及软件流程与设计。It makes a second wind coil machine of kinescope filament be completely automatic machine.

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绑票者在录像中称,这是“满意其请求的最后,告诫”。The kidnapper says in kinescope , this is " the final warning that satisfies its to ask ".

本文详细讨论了显象管玻壳的强度问题。The problem of robustness of the kinescope glass shell is discussed in detail in this paper.

电子束轮廓的描述是彩色显像管特性检测中的难点之一。Description of the profile of electron beam is one of the difficult points in detection of color kinescope.

彩色显象管电子枪零件一般由不锈钢材料制成,具有较高的硬度和强度。Electron gun accessories of color kinescope are made of stainless steel which has high hardness and intensity.

装有此系统的半自动化显象管灯丝二次绕线机,改造成全自动化的二次绕线机。With the system, semi-automatic second coil winder making kinescope filament is reformed into a full-automatic one.

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为开发适应于显像管玻璃熔窑蓄热室格子体工作特点的耐火材料,提供理论参考。The results provide a theoretic reference for improving refractories used in the regenerator of kinescope glass tank.

对彩管荫罩零件进行张拉成形工艺分析,介绍了模具结构及主要零件设计,并运用曲面方程进行凸模曲面形状设计。By bulging forming technology analysis of color kinescope shaded cover, die structure and main parts designs are introduced.

采用电阻焊焊接超低碳钢显像管支架会出现显示器图象失真、信号滞后等问题。The super-low carbon kinescope bracket welded by resistance welding is easy to cause the image distraction and signal lagging.

为了更有力地辟谣,网站使用了大量照片和录像资料来证实奥巴马的清白。For more effectively refutes a rumor, the website used a large number of photographs and kinescope data to prove Aobama's innocence.

今年我国各级检察机关将实行在讯问犯罪嫌疑人时全程同步录像。This year our procuratorial department in each level will use the whole course in-phase kinescope during the inquest of the suspect.

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第四章提出了运动人体的检测技术,该技术用来判断场景中是否有人出现,是进一步作手势识别和注视方向识别的前提。It is basic for hand gesture recognition. Meanwhile, this technique can be used in the automatic surveillance and kinescope technique.

录像是外科临床教学的一种重要资料,通过多路腹腔镜数字化处理系统,可获得大量腹内脏器病变及手术操作的录像资料。Lots of kinescope materials on pathological changes in abdomen can be obtained by the digital processing system of multi-lines television laparoscopic.

通过对江苏花样游泳队的问卷调查分析,论述了技术录像在花样游泳运动中起到的作用。This article discusses the function tha1t the kinescope of skill worked in synchronized swimming by the diagnoses of the synchronized swimming team of Jiangsu province.

对彩管荫罩零件进行张拉成形工艺分析,介绍了模具结构及主要零件设计,并运用曲面方程进行凸模曲面形状设计。By bulging forming technology analysis of color kinescope shaded cover, die structure and main parts designs are introduced. Punch surface shape is also designed by surface equations.

这篇文章所述电源是根据显像管生产厂家对其产品进行测试的需求而设计的特种直流稳压电源,同时也可以作为其他特殊实验用电源。In this paper the power source is designed according to the demand of manufacture of kinescope testing kinescope. And this power source can be used as especial experiment power source too.

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本文介绍了我国首例较大规模反渗透法回收彩管业废水回收项目及其运行情况,并进行了经济效益分析。The reuse of wastewater from colour kinescope production with a larger scale RO device and the device's operating conditions are introduced in this paper. The economic benefit is analysed.

对采用因瓦荫罩的大屏幕、高清晰度彩管,需要较小弯曲位移量的横拼双金属弹簧片进行温度补偿。An Invar shadow-mask kinescope with a large screen and high definition requires temperature compensation by means of a laterally-welded bimetal spring lamination with a smaller bending displacement.

为了动态地观测眼底显微图像,为了便于进行图像处理,眼底电视或摄录兼容已成为眼底照相机近年来的一个重要发展方向。For dynamical observation of eyeground micrograph and image manipulation, eyeground television or compatibility of telegraph and kinescope has developed into one of the key area of eyeground camera.