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下页将定义延迟。The next page will define latency.

接下来就是网络延迟问题了。Next up is the network latency issue.

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减少业务事件的等待时间。Reduce the latency of business events.

仪表板延迟和加载时间改进Dashboard latency and load-time improvements

生化危机开门无拖慢。No latency when open door in Resident Evil DS.

您还可以实现低延迟和高可用性。You also gain low latency and high availability.

我们衡量延迟的标准是两跳计时。Our measurements of latency are all two-hop timings.

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对延迟和抖动,你想降低就得多花钱。With latency and jitter, you pay more when you want less.

第一类别的中继器可导入高达140位元时间的延迟。Class I repeater may introduce up to 140 bit-times latency.

富士通称,这种交换机的延迟是300纳秒。Latency on the switch is 300 nanoseconds, the company says.

网络延时与应用程序延时不同。Network latency is also different from application latency.

因此,这里获得的结果不包括网络延时。Thus, the results obtained here don't include network latency.

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这是一个更加有效率的徐彤并且它会消除恢复时间。This is a much more efficient system and it eliminates latency.

PXI具有业内最高的带宽和最低的时滞。PXI provides the industry's highest bandwidth and lowest latency.

主要指标视觉诱发电位P100潜伏期和振幅。Main Outcome Measures Latency and amplitude of wave P100 in P-VEP.

如果延迟超过200毫秒左右,你很可能就会感觉到通话质量不好。If the latency is more than around 200 ms, you're likely to notice.

在捕捉会话中ping每台主机,并用于计算延迟。Ability to calculate latency by pinging each host in a capture session

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而想WIFI这样的技术提供高的带宽和低的等待时间。while technologies like WiFi provide high band- width and low latency.

这样以一定的延迟确保了正确的并发行为。This ensures correct concurrent behavior at the expense of some latency.

分布式存储系统的主要问题是它的更新延迟性。The major problem with a distributed storage system is its update latency.