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可食用的屠宰过的动物内脏。Edible viscera of a butch ered animal.

各种内脏绞痛的针灸治疗。The acupuncture treatment of viscera angina.

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将鲤鱼去鳞、去鳃、去内脏,洗净。Lei Yue to scales, gills go to the viscera Wash.

探讨冠心病的病变脏腑特点。Explore the characteristic of the pathological viscera.

各个脏腑,身体各个部分,也都是若有若无的。Every viscera and all parts of body are all something but nothing.

运动可引起内脏血流的重新分配。Sports motions can cause the redistribution of viscera blood flow.

肾阳足,肌体各脏腑组织器官得以温平和推动。Abundant kidney-yang warms and promotes all the viscera and organs.

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治疗上宜从五脏辨证论治。Syndrome differentiation and treatment should be form five viscera.

将活黄花鱼刮去鳞,掏净内脏及鳃,洗净。Scrape off scales of live croaker, dig a net viscera and gills, wash.

在面部的不同部位分属于不同的脏腑和经络。In different parts of the face belongs to different viscera and meridians.

热毒内陷脏腑时伴恶寒发热,口干渴,烦闷。Heat cellulites viscera when Chilliness with fever, mouth thirst, depressed.

于是,学习的兴趣大涨,五脏六腑都觉得清新。Therefore, the study interest rises sharply, the viscera is full of fresh air.

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因此,邻近脏器有病均对肾脏有所影响。Accordingly, adjacent viscera all is affected somewhat to the kidney unhealthily.

本文介绍高压消解器消化脏器检材的方法。A procedure was carried out for digesting viscera sample with a high pressuredigester.

不过当看到内脏溅到镜头上的时候,观众们也许能,也许就不能如此智慧的看待它了。Audiences may or may not see it so intellectually when the viscera hit the camera lens.

位于胸腔及腹腔的内部器官,通常称为内脏。The internal organs inside the thoracic and abdominal cavities are often called viscera.

经络与脏腑发生病变时,必然与脐有极其密切的病理关系。when channels and viscera is ill, it must has a very close pathological relationship with navel.

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从中医美容的角度理解,脏腑是皮肤深层滋养的源头。From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine beauty, viscera is the source of skins deep nourishment.

将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。The pigeon to hair and viscera wash, sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew.

蛇毒酶制剂使血液处于低凝状态,因而可导致多脏器出血等症。The venom of enzyme preparation in low blood coagulation state, thus can cause much viscera hemorrhage disease.