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索马里十多年来一直处于无法无天的状态,它在被调查的48个国家里是最后一名。Somalia, ungovernable for more than a decade, ranked last of the 48 countries surveyed.

如果有必要的话,奥廷加先生将他的反对党在肯尼亚的西部据点从肯尼亚分离出去。If necessary, Mr Odinga will seek to make his opposition stronghold of western Kenya ungovernable from Nairobi.

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我们已经在整个世界再三地显示,一旦我们国家的腐败达到一定规模,这个国家就无法治理了。We have shown, all over the world, again and again, that once we reach a certain size we become depraved, ungovernable.

她到水里后除非旁边有只手,可以伸出来让她放心,否则某种难以驾驭的恐惧会罩住她。A certain ungovernable dread hung about her when in the water, unless there was a hand near by that might reach out and reassure her.

她的眸子和嗓音,激起了我极大的反感,我激动得难以抑制,直打哆嗦,继续说了下去。That eye of hers, that voice stirred every antipathy I had. Shaking from head to foot, thrilled with ungovernable excitement, I continued.

此刻,尽管最具时效的全球性威胁来自于在穆斯林世界中的那些无政府的、处于控制下的和无法控制的区域。For the moment, though, the most immediate global threat comes from the ungoverned, undergoverned and ungovernable areas of the Muslim world.

高尚的令人敬畏的美德在于它通过对人性中难以控制的激情的无可超越的驾驭能力从而产生的自我控制能力。The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature.

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但是一个每一个人都完全自给自足的社会是难以统治的,就像一个能满足自己所有愿望的人很快会感到厌倦和腻烦。But a society where every person is totally self-sufficient would be ungovernable , just as a person who could satisfy his every desire would become quickly bored and satiated.

令人敬畏和可尊敬的美德存在于一定程度的自我控制之中,它以其使人惊异地优越于人类天性中最难抑制的激情而令人吃惊。The awful and respectable, in that degree of self-command which astonishes by its amazing superiority over the most ungovernable passions of human nature. I. I. 45 Chanper V, Volumn I.

夹杂在这种纷繁变化中的一个因素是,大量不知姓名身份、似乎无法控制的博客作者和公民记者兴致勃勃地活跃在互联网上,然而他们从未经过训练或持有任何证书。Add to this volatile mix the legions of unidentified and seemingly ungovernable bloggers and citizen journalists, operating with gusto but without prior training or certification of any kind.

美国一名高级官员向BBC记者透露,白杜拉。马哈苏德和基地组织有着密切的关系,同时他还被认为是致使巴基斯坦局势动荡难以控制的种种恐怖行动的负责人。A senior U. S. official has told the BBC that Baitullah Mehsud had a close relationship with Al-Qaeda and was considered to be in charge of their terror campaign to render Pakistan ungovernable.