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三杯酒下肚,他就感到恶心了。He felt seedy after only three cups of wine.

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事实上,他正在变成显然尽是杂草-和多种子的。In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy—and seedy.

在达喀尔一个破烂的夜总会的一二条黑暗的小巷里,一辆车子停了下来。In a dark alley near Dakar's seedy nightspots, a car slowed.

衣衫褴褛、耳朵后面夹了个烟蒂的人。A seedy character with a cigarette butt jammed behind his ear.

还有一只破旧的木柜,一只带毛的皮箱,上面的合叶都已经裂开了。There was a seedy old chest, and an old hair trunk with the hinges broke.

这本书包含了一些难忘下流的角色及有伤风化的描述。The book includes some memorably seedy characters and scabrous description.

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下次你把西红柿、黄瓜多汁多籽儿的瓤挖出来的时候,就存着吧。Thee next time you scrape out the juicy, seedy insides of tomatoes and cucumbers, savethem.

一个破旧的酒吧老板雇佣了一个神秘的克罗地亚杀死一个熟人的未偿债务。A seedy bar-owner hires a mysterious Croatian to murder an acquaintance over an unpaid debt.

啊,邪恶的黑客,谁能比他更适合开发一个到处都是变态狂的变态网站呢?Ah, the rogue hacker—who else would you expect to create such a seedy site filled with perverts?

这位男子的下流形象与他所从事的非法交易,让这个号码与放荡缺德画上等号。The man's seedy image and illicit business meant that the number became associated with immorality.

千百年来,日本人过的日子就好比是衣衫不周的看守人看守着贵重的珠宝。For thousand years or more the Japanese had lived like seedy caretakers watching over precious jewels.

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我们在新城饭店见面吃早饭﹐这地方一度豪华富丽﹐但现在真是破败欠修。We met up at the Metropole Hotel for breakfast. The place was once opulent, but is now decidedly seedy.

一个种子俱乐部的公司努力保持领先于他欠他钱的书店一步。The compère of a seedy strip club struggles to keep one step ahead of the bookies to whom he owes money.

几十年以来,官员们一直为怎样解决城市堕落一面的问题而伤透脑筋。For decades, officials have wrestled with the question of what to do about the seedy side of the city, Mr.

一个穷人和一个富人同时被人枪杀,尸体在哈利法克斯市的巴林顿街一家破旧的酒吧门口被人发现。A rich man and a poor man are found dead of gunshot wounds outside a seedy bar on Barrington Street in Halifax.

他们太习惯于到破烂的街区那只有两个房间床还需拉出来的套房来看我。They're so used to coming to see me in seedy neighbourhoods with two rooms and a bed that pulls out of the wall.

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其中一个名叫格里多的笨拙罗迪亚人最先找到索洛,可他在交手中败得很惨,最终在莫斯埃斯利一个肮脏的小酒馆里被打死。One of the first, a bumbling Rodian named Greedo, failed miserably and ended up fried in a seedy Mos Eisley cantina.

在伦敦人们还可以看见一些卖有机酸奶和精致二手家具的店铺和那些破破烂烂的,卖廉价酒和垃圾食品的商店并肩而列。Boutiques sell organic yogurt and chic secondhand furniture next to seedy stores stocked with cut-price liquor and junk food.

他的帝国包括了或许是澳门最好的葡京赌场,现今却是破烂不堪的黑潭夜总会。His empire includes perhaps Macau's best-known casino, the Lisboa, which these days has the seedy air of a down-at-heel Blackpool nightclub.