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所以我们开始探询。So we begin to enquire.

如果是有人要问。If someone should enquire.

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于是,她就去求问上帝。And she went to enquire of the LORD.

那么我们必须要询问什么是时间。Then we have to enquire what is time.

我们必须询问她是否真来了。We must enquire whether she really came.

我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。I called the station to enquire about train times.

你来询问如何美丽地有爱地活着。You came to enquire how to live beautifully, with love.

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我们很抱憾你方询盘的货物没有办法供货。We regret that the goods you enquire about are not available.

他们说,我们把女子叫来问问她。And they said, We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth.

我写信问一下你们是否还在招服务员。I am writing to enquire whether you are still recruiting waiters.

参议会成立了一个委员会调查当地的失业情况。The council set up a committee to enquire into local unemployment.

娟子打来电话询问家里的情况。Beautiful child hit a phone to enquire the circumstance in the home.

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许多客户向我们询购马海毛毛衣。A lot of customers have approached us to enquire for mohair sweaters.

我最近给一个网站发邮件去询问为什么我订购的商品还没有到达。I recently e-mailed one website to enquire why my goods had not yet arrived.

臣还要请旨,殿中梁柱是漆丹朱,还是玄墨?May I enquire should the central pillar be painted in vermilion or ink black?

请拨电查询有关旺季与超旺节日的最新报价!Please call or email for enquire on mid season and super season departure rate!

昨天公爵派人来探问我的病情,今天早上他自己来了。Yesterday, the Duke sent round to enquire after me, and he came himself this morning.

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他们就彼此对问,是那一个要作这事。And they began to enquire among themselves, which of them it was that should do this thing.

此为多页显示的查询功能,交易员可藉此查询所有当日其终端机曾参与的所有沽出成交。This multi-screen enquiry enables you to enquire on all the day's sales involving your terminal.

我们已对你们的项目做了一个询价,请在这个月底以前报价。We have already made an enquire for your articles please make a offer before the end ofthis month.