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二者都同样是遥远和空虚的。Both are equally remote and vacuous.

有一个有关的问题,参见空虚真理。For a related problem, see vacuous truth.

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她似乎几乎与她自身都分离开了-仅仅剩下一个空虚的躯壳。She seemed almost to be apart from herself-- vacuous duplicate only.

有人从一个有趣,但错误的宣称转移到一个真实但空虚的。Someone who is moving from an interesting but false claim to a true but vacuous claim.

这样的文章内容空洞、干瘪是自然的,分数不高也在情理之中。The contents of such articles are vacuous. It is natural that the scores are not high.

这样一个空洞的概念很难设法进入声称要提供启示的争论之中。Rarely can such a vacuous concept have found its way into a debate claming to provide enlightenment.

如果一个空间能够足够大,能够充当多种功用,避免空洞无意义,那么这就最好了。It would be better if the place is spacious enough to be served as multipurpose while avoiding being vacuous.

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可代替有营养的生菜或红薯和马铃薯的混合食物。Replace the nutritionally vacuous iceberg lettuce with baby spinach in tacos or mix sweet potatoes in your regular mashed potatoes.

一些性研究从业人员满足了这些角色的要求,并且以不道德的行为和评价让性科学显得肤浅而空洞。Some practitioners will fulfil these roles, often acting unethically in judging celebrities or making sex science seem vacuous or over simplistic.

她和她那些邻居愚蠢无知充满了家庭琐事的生活.这种看事情的角度貌似不赖.More and more her warped view of the world around?-- her own vacuous domestic life, and that of her neighbors -- seems the one right way of looking at things.

俸正杰作品中令人生畏的地方是那双空洞的眼睛和浸透的深深的颜色,暗示了艺术家对性成为商品的鄙夷。What is unnerving about Feng's portraits is the subject's vacuous eyes and the sickly, saturated tones, implicating the artist's disdain for sexual commodity.

作为一个单独的工程司有自己的赛车和赛事的道路上,就没有办法去阿巴特是只给这个赛车空虚改造。As a separate engineering division with its own racing cars and a race series on the way, there's no way Abarth was going to just give this car a vacuous makeover.

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在广阔无垠的太空底层,核爆造成的火球比在地面附近时更大,扩散得更快,放出的辐射线也传播得更远。In the lower reaches of vacuous space, the resulting fireball grows much larger and faster than it does near the ground, and the radiation it emits travels much farther.

与其不断地执行繁杂苛刻的政令而加速败亡,不如保持天地间虚静、无为的状态。For political affair managing, we should keep vacuous and non-action status rather than implement multifarious and rigorous orders. The latter will lead government and politics to decline.

因为如果给出0个元素,那意味着不需要做任何事,如果给出1个元素,那显然,它是有序的,对吗?Right, 'cause that means either I've been handed zero elements which mean there's really no work to be done or I've been handed one element which is a vacuous truth that it's sorted, right?

从上世纪30年代到80年代,数不清的持桨穿泳装或运动服的女孩的雕像出现在各个公园里──那些名气小一些的雕塑家通过这种神韵全无的模仿来获得审查批准。Statues of girls holding oars and clad in swimwear or track suits proliferated in parks from the late 1930s to the 1980s -- vacuous imitations made by minor sculptors playing it safe with censors.

“英国病人”非常忠于道德空虚的原著,而那本书对不伦,自杀以及安乐死几近崇拜,但是影评人却称片中的情侣关系融洽。The English Patient was absolutely faithful to a morally vacuous book that almost worships adultery, suicide, and mercy-killing but reviewers commented on the chemistry between the lovers in the film.

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“一杯椰菜包含了你一天摄取的维生素C,”可以将玉米豆面卷取代嫩菠菜或你平常吃的土豆泥加入甘薯。"One cup of broccoli has your daily intake of vitamin C, " she said. Replace the nutritionally vacuous iceberg lettuce with baby spinach in tacos or mix sweet potatoes in your regular mashed potatoes.