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发明了老二皮的保险套?I made a dick-skin condom?

何时使用女用避孕套?When to use a female condom?

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很多安全套的非安全性。IV. A lot of condom non-security.

该避孕套不含杀精子药物。The condom does not contain spermicide.

防病毒安全套能否保证人们健康?Anti-virus condom can guarantee people's health?

戴与不戴,让女人做主!Wearing condom or not , let woman make decision!

避孕套是我们这代的水晶鞋。The condom is the glass slipper of our generation.

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缺乏润滑同时可能导致安全套破裂。Lack of lubrication can also cause condom breakage.

玛丽娅在诉讼中说贾斯汀当时拒绝使用避孕套。Mariah's suit claims Justin refused to use a condom.

套套可以用来套着步枪的枪口。A condom can be used to cover the muzzle of your rifle.

下边就是一些有意思的例子,且博一乐,不过可很实用哦。Here are some of those funny, yet practical condom uses.

今天我摔倒在地,脸摔在一只用过的套套上。FML。Today, I managed to fall face-first into a used condom. FML.

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但是,避孕套对病毒的阻隔效果究竟有多大?However, the condom barrier effect of the virus Just how big?

女用避孕套能对怀孕和性病起到保护吗?Will female condom always protect against pregnancy and STDs?

你必须抽出来,取下安全套,彻底摆脱它。You have to pull out, take the condom off, and get rid of it.

套套的弹性还可以在这些碎布上施加压力。The elastic nature of the condom also adds pressure to the mix.

每次发生性行为的时候都要使用新的橡胶或聚氨酯安全套。Use a new latex or polyurethane condom every time you have sex.

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你要当心,在戴上避孕套时不要撕扯。Take care when you put on the condom so that you do not tear it.

避孕套功用知晓率、对待艾滋病病人的态度改变不明显。Knowledge on condom use and attitude to AIDS did not change much.

第二,确保安全套没有过保质期。Second, make sure the condom has not reached its expiration date.