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库仑力就是这个故事的结尾。They're Coulombic forces, end of story.

有一个东西叫做库伦引力。There is a Coulombic force of attraction.

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库仑力会更强。So the Coulombic forces are much, much greater.

换种说法,即库仑力。Or just to be pluralistic in our language, coulombic force.

库仑力,库仑或者静电力被提到了。So, the Coulombic forces, Coulombic or electrostatic forces draw.

引力能就是电势能,库伦电势。The attractive energy is just the potential energy, Coulombic potential.

这里有巨大的能量,库仑力,高熔点与高沸点。These are huge energies, Coulombic forces, high melting points and boiling points.

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能够在任何方向形成,因为库仑产在全方位发生分散。It could form in any direction because the Coulombic field is radial in all directions.

能够在任何方向形成,因为库仑产在全方位发生分散。It could form in any direction because the Coulombic field is radial in all directions.

我们昨天学习到,我们有库仑引力,之前你们学过的。And we saw last day that we have a Coulombic force of attraction which you have seen before.

所以说这真算是一个力学问题,你愿意的话,也可以说它是,静电学或库仑定律方面的问题。And so this is really a mechanical term, if you like, and this is electrostatic or coulombic.

所以说这真算是一个力学问题,你愿意的话,也可以说它是,静电学或库仑定律方面的问题。And so this is really a mechanical term, if you like, and this is electrostatic or coulombic.

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当你想到库仑力时,和1*1相比,这是。When you go into the Coulombic term here, 3*2 instead of one times one, it's three times two.

实验范围内丙酸比例的变化对库仑效率没有太大的影响。Changes in propionate proportion within the examined range did not cause much variation in coulombic efficiency.

与乳酸钠相比,葡萄糖是本体系中较理想的底物。The results demonstrate glucose is better than sodium lactate in view of higher Coulombic cumulation and COD reduction.

当它们真正离得很近时,假设有一个带正负电的电荷,带有库仑引力。So, when we get really close together, granted, there is a net positive negative charge with a Coulombic force of attraction.

当它们真正离得很近时,假设有一个带正负电的电荷,带有库仑引力。So, when we get really close together, granted, there is a net positive negative charge with a Coulombic force of attraction.

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但是偶尔一个带两个正电荷的粒子,以接近于轴的位置进入,会快速的移动到周围,由于库仑斥力的作用。But once in awhile, one of these plus twos comes in almost on axis, and it gets whipped around by the Coulombic repulsive forces.

双夸克与夸克之间零级位势取短程库仑势与长程线性禁闭势之和。The zeroth order potential between a diquark and a quarks is Coulombic at short distances and linearly confininq at large distances.

然后说势能,位能其实就是,由电子和原子核之间的库仑引力而形成的能量。And then the potential energy, the energy is stored here due to the coulombic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus.