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国家主义得到了一些人的拥护,但更多的人认为,市场路线才是中国应该采纳的正确路线。Statism is embraced by some, but many more think the market path is the right one to follow.

中国媒体也要避免对欧洲报道中的民族主义和国家主义。While Chinese media should avoid nationalism and statism in their reports of European countries.

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将国家主义或社会主义强加于个人之上的惯常做法之一就是通过医疗的手段。One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine.

无论是中央集权制福利,也不可以改变穷人的生活,并没有,似乎可以新自由主义。Neither welfarism nor statism can transform the lives of the poor, and neither, it seems, can neo-liberalism.

尽可能多的共和党人也许不喜欢听到这一问题,而这之前很久华盛顿就有效地实行了中央集权。As much as Republicans may dislike hearing it, statism had effectively taken hold in Washington long before that.

尽管在工党的竞选宣言里面也不乏一些关于“选择”的轻描淡写,但布朗更多的还是老一套的中央集权制思路。There are mutterings about choice in Labour's manifesto, but Mr Brown too often reverts to old-fashioned statism.

即使是新工党也想大肆鼓吹它对于市场的友好接触,降低其深刻的中央集权下的经济制度的重要性。Even New Labour tended to trumpet its market-friendly approaches and to downplay important aspects of its profound statism.

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它与帝国主义、殖民主义、国族主义、以及国家机器主义在意识形态结构层次上如何联结?How, in its discursive practices, are imperialism, colonialism, nationalism, and statism articulated on an ideological level?

在结束以国家的名义合法掠夺和保卫个人自由的斗争中,你还有多少要求?In the struggle to end the legalized plunder of statism and to defend individual liberty, how much more could be asked of one man?

从新国家主义和新保守主义这两个基本理论着手,揭示日本保守主义政治的理论基础。A new statism and new conservatism these two elementary theories begin, to promulgate the Japanese conservatism politics the theory foundation.

根据各自的社会契约论思想,霍布斯和洛克分别形成了国家主义理论和有限政府理论。Discussed the thought according to the respective social contract, Hobbes and Locke have formed the statism theory and the limited government theory separately.

像上面所说的,他的“中央集权”已经进步成对把运动和党派描述成活动的分裂与无益来说一种清晰的反理论。As mentioned above, his statism was now advanced as a clear 'anti-thesis' to the divisiveness and ineffectiveness which characterized movement and party activities.

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他们倡导的和平、民主、文化的国家主义思想有合理可贵的积极价值,是中国现代民族主义思想史上的重要资源。The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modem nationalism thinking history.

他们倡导的和平、民主、文化的国家主义思想有合理可贵的积极价值,是中国现代民族主义思想史上的重要资源。The statism thought of peace, democracy and culture which they initiate has the reasonable valuable positive value, is the important resources in the Chinese modern nationalism thinking history.

程序主义宪政模式整合了形式主义宪政模式和福利国家主义宪政模式的有益成分,并因此具有了理论优势。Procedural constitutional pattern conformity the beneficial ingredient of formalism constitutional pattern and welfare statism constitutional pattern, and therefore it has the theory superiority.

他的国体与政体理论、国家主义的公民权利保护以及权力制衡理论对近代中国的宪政实践起了举足轻重的作用。His constitution and regime theory, the statism of citizens protection as well as the power of check and balance theory have played a pivotal function in the modern Chinas constitutional practice.

本论文对柳田国男基于生活习俗、社会组织、民俗信仰的日本人论以及基于其“新国学”的日本民族国家论进行了考察。The thesis researches Yanagita's Nihonjinron that contains lifestyle and customs, social organization, folk-custom and religious beliefs, and his"new national studies"-based Japanese national statism.