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他声称跟王室有亲戚关系。He claims kindred with royalty.

我们才十五岁而且有着年轻的心态。We're only fifteen years old and kindred spirits.

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何忍见我同宗的人被灭呢。or how can I endure to see the destruction of my kindred?

没有比艺术上的灵犀相通更神圣的东西了。Nothing is more hallowing than the union of kindred spirits in art.

事情本该如此,难道同呼吸共命运的纽带不比血缘关系更密切么?Is not the kindred of a common fate a closer tie than that of birth?

他们在中国古文明里发现了亲属般的精神。They have found a kindred spirit in the ancient Chinese civilization.

啊,谢谢你。我期待着和一个,嗯,心灵相通、志趣相投的人交流沟通。Ah. Thank you. I look forward to communing with a, um, kindred spirit.

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我们正在研究有关露、、以及其他同类的自然现象。We are studying about dew frost mist and other kindred facts of nature.

希腊本土背后是同种的马其顿人和色腊基人。In the rear of the Greeks proper came the kindred Macedonians and Thracians.

亲属关系处在那种无知状态的一群是能想得到的最蒙昧的了。A group of kindred in that stage of ignorance is rudest that can be imagined.

原始的日耳曼的自主的财产是被严格地保留给其亲族的。The primitive German or allodial property is strictly reserved to the kindred.

亲属关系处在那种无知状态的一群是能想得到的最蒙昧的了。A group of kindred in that stage of ignorance is the rudest that can be imagined.

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田纳西说,他和我志同道合,希望我们能一起合作。Tennessee said that he and I were kindred spirits and wanted us to work together.

目的以基因突变分析一角膜营养不良家系的致病分子基础。Objective Molecular genetic analysis of a large Chinese corneal dystrophy kindred.

古老的讯息传来,召唤家族成群飞散。The ancient message comes, calling the kindred to take flight and to gater together.

即使是在五龙的亲情世界里,温情也被“性恶”排挤得毫无踪影。Even if in his kindred world, tender feeling can have no trace by the fierce character.

用一阶谓词逻辑设计了一个亲属关系的自动推理模型。Authors designed a kindred automatic reasoning model based on one-order predicate logic.

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在这一点上,达尔似乎和哥德尔心心相通,拥有哈耶克式的知识论。Dale and G?del seem to be kindred spirits in this point, with Hayekian knowledge theory.

在这一点上,达尔似乎和哥德尔心心相通,拥有哈耶克式的知识论。Dale and Godel seem to be kindred spirits in this point, with Hayekian knowledge theory.

在这一点上,达尔似乎和哥德尔心心相通,拥有哈耶克式的知识论。Dale and Gödel seem to be kindred spirits in this point, with Hayekian knowledge theory.