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他买了个法国制造的回飞棒。He bought a boomerang made in France.

他知道,推诿责任往往会自食其果。He learns that buck-passing acts as a boomerang.

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有的干脆做起“啃老族”,只享受生活。Some become boomerang kids , only enjoy the life.

到时候,我就可以像丢回力镖一样打他。I can use it like a boomerang to keep him in line.

拥抱就像丢回力镖,马上就可以得到回报。A hug is like a boomerang. You get it back right away.

楼层就像是叠加起来的回飞棒。The floors are like these stacked up boomerang thingys.

我不会要求主人去跟飞去来器玩。I will not ask my master to play fetch with a boomerang.

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他们用长矛或木制曲形飞镖猎取野味。They hunt game with spears or a curved wooden boomerang.

如果孩子们中有一个死了,这整个计画可能使我们反受其害。If one of these children died, this whole plan is liable to boomerang on us.

啃老族已成为全国性的社会问题。The boomerang kid phenomenon has become a social problem on a nationwide scale.

“啃老族”指的是依靠父母生活的年轻人。"The boomerang kid" refers to the life of young people depend on their parents.

其他提供免费的数据,并使自己从中受益的好的例子Other good examples of companies letting data run free in order to get a boomerang effect

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真是适得其反!她收到的回信带来了约翰获得奖学金的消息。What a boomerang that proved!By return of post came the news that John had won a scholarship.

美国心理协会发布了一个关于“闲谈的飞反效应”。The American Psychological Association published a study about the "boomerang effect of gossip."

四层相互联系的像回飞棒形状的楼层的装饰板就像照相机的快门。Four boomerang shaped storey decks rotate in relation to each other like the shutter of a camera.

在这个世界上,“如果你采取一步行动,接下来可能反受其害,并因此伤及无辜”,哈斯内尔说道。In this world, "if you take one action, it can boomerang and harm something else, " says Hassner.

在那个年龄,无论目睹什么感受什么还是思考什么,终归像回飞棒一样转回到自己身上。At that age, no matter what I saw, what I felt or what I thought, it would return to me like a boomerang.

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不过你也要说明一下返回式回飞棒和非返回式回飞棒的区别。Great! You must also estabish the difference between a returning boomerang and a non-returning boomerang.

近几年来,由于就业困难,越来越多的年轻人加入“啃老族”的行列。In recent years, with employment difficulty, more and more young people to join "the boomerang kid" ranks.

少儿频道“飞镖”对1000名年龄在25岁到54岁之间的成年人进行了调查。The survey of 1, 000 adults aged between 25 and 54 was conducted on behalf of children's TV channel Boomerang.