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你一到达目的地就打开行李。Unpack as soon as you arrive.

下载并解压源代码。Download and unpack the source.

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无法解压缩更新软件包。Unable to unpack update package.

你们何不先挑个房间并把行李打开呢?Why not choose your room and unpack?

我大概应该解释下我的这些声明。I should probably unpack these statements a bit.

羊驼拉玛的假期。打开存货。打开文件盘。Llama Llama holidays. Unpack stockings. Unwrap trays.

林家搬进他们的新家,并且开始开箱整理。The Lins moved into their new home and began to unpack.

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从包装箱里拿出时要检查产品的完整性。Check integrality of the products when unpack the packing.

不过要想在大多数平台上解包大部分的文件格式并不困难。But it is not hard to unpack most formats on most platforms.

我打开提箱时,发现我的新连衣裙全绉了。When I unpack the suitcase, I find my new dress full of crease.

仅仅是一部分性能较慢,例如tr、gsub和unpack。Just a handful are currently slower, such as tr, gsub, and unpack.

要解开多年积怨,可能还需要谈话治疗。Talk therapy may be needed to unpack years of accumulated resentments.

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请使用您喜欢的解压缩实用工具将文件解压缩到您的本地磁盘中。Use your favorite unzip utility to unpack the files to your local disk.

解压缩时,请再次记住要指定保留目录信息。Again, remember to specify to retain directory information when you unpack.

下载并解压ZIP到临时路径中,启东安装程序。Download and unpack the . ZIP file in a temporary directory, and run the setup file.

接下来我们要在终端上解压缩这个文件,同样在刚才的终端上运行。Next we want to unpack the directory with this command, also ran from the same terminal window.

然后,可以通过网络启动一个系统,然后解开镜像,刷新相关固件。Then you can boot a system over the network and have it unpack and flash the relevant firmware.

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我们在新家旧家之间用这辆小卡车来回了四趟,花了几个星期再把东西挪到新家里。We made four trips to our new home with the small truck and it took us weeks to unpack everything.

例句航天员要将固定在轨道舱内壁上的舱外航天服启封。The astronauts have to unpack the space suit which was fixed on the interior wall of the orbital module.

房间都是套房,因此你有空间活动活动身子骨,做些事情,实际上很感宽松,不感到拥挤。Rooms are all suites, so you have room to stretch out, do some work, actually unpack and not feel crowded.