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或者我像平常一样无能。Or I'm incompetent as usual.

我是个不称职的,不近人情的母亲。An incompetent monster of a mother.

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他完全不胜任这工作。He is quite incompetent to do the work.

他庸碌无能,不值得留用。He's incompetent and not worth keeping on.

该雇员被认为不称职而遭辞退。The employee was dismissed as incompetent.

我看得出来你不胜任你的工作。I can tell you're incompetent in your work.

管理层是些无能之辈。The management is an incompetent generation.

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西太后本人当时并非是无能为力的。Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent.

暴力是无能者的最后手段。Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

这使得你的老板看起来像个不称职的懒虫。It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.

她对数学失去了兴趣,因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力。She is put off maths by a bully and incompetent teacher.

你怎么能么这么无能,如此轻易地把事情搞砸了?How can you be so incompetent and fail something so easily?

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为一个不称职的老板工作,可能对健康不利。Working for an incompetent boss can be bad for your health.

她对数学失去了兴趣,因为老师仗势欺人又没教学能力。She was put off maths by a bullying and incompetent teacher.

即便如此,阿富汗政府军还是靠不住而又不称职的。Even so, Afghan government forces are unreliable and incompetent.

我假设没有人愿意显得无能或者被点名。I assume no one wants to appear incompetent or to be called names.

年幼的皇帝胡亥是个头脑糊涂,没有才能的统治者。The young emperor Huhai was a muddle-headed and incompetent ruler.

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那些一无所长的甚或是恶毒的老板对我的某些同事的虐待更甚。Truly incompetent or evil bosses abused some of my peers far worse.

把恩惠作为至高权力的一个象征,就往往被无能之辈所用。The grace as a symbol of supreme power, they are often incompetent use.

但是对于占星学他们是不够格的,而且并没有做足功课。But they are incompetent regarding astrology and have not done their homework.