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老师,节日快乐!Teacher, festal joy!

各族人民都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。The peoples are in a festal atmosphere.

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到处欢声笑语,充满了节日气氛。Everywhere, filled with laughter festal atmosphere.

进一步获得对节日气氛的体验。To further obtain the experience of festal atmosphere.

甚至那些庆祝服务人员都是他的朋友。Even the people performing festal services were his friends.

祝天下老师幸福开心,节日快乐!Happiness of the teacher below Zhu Tian is happy, festal joy!

基督十架为你圣旗,高举随风飘扬。Your festal banner wave on high, The cross of Christ your King.

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如今节日游行已失去往日浓厚的宗教色彩。Festal parade already lost rich former days religion color nowadays.

我去了购物中心,买了很多巧克力,人们这么热情,在节日的喜庆。I went shopping and bought lot of chocolates, people were so passion in festal.

历经一个双节长假,又度过了一个周末,该收心回来啦。After the double festal holiday, and last weekend, I should take back my heart which love play.

圣诞来临,你是否希望自己的家能够尽快换上浓浓的节日色彩?The Christmas comes, whether do you hope your home can change thick festal color as soon as possible?

假如你想把家布置得更有节日气氛,可以考虑装点一些彩灯。If you want to decorate the home so that have festal atmosphere more, can consider deck a few colored lantern.

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即使是最常用的白瓷咖啡壶,有了花朵映衬,也能感受到节日的到来。Even if the most commonly used white porcelain coffeepot, had flower set off, also can experience festal arrival.

唐人街最热闹的时候是春节,元旦过后,节日的气氛便愈加浓烈起来。The busiest days in Chinatown is the Spring Festival. The festal atmosphere became stronger after New Year's day.

难怪在这个原本寒冷的季节会有这么多节日出现,因为有温暖就会有爱,有爱在心中荡漾就会有心情去装点每一个即将到来的节日。Because warm can bring love, we have a mind to decorate every festal at hand and so many festivals come, in the winter.

快乐是朋友定居的房子!它将会被建造,像一个节日的凉亭或者护拱,是他每一个孤单的日子的港湾。Happy is the house that shelters a friend! It might well be built, like a festal bower or arch, to entertain him a single day.

这意味着物流行业对节日网购消费制约的瓶颈已经开始消除。This means content to shed an industry to buy the bottleneck that consumption restricts to had begun to eliminate to festal net.

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节日来临,对于很多喜欢手机的朋友而言,购机成为了节日消费的一个重要内容。The festival comes, the friend to liking a mobile phone more very much, buy machine a when became festal spending serious content.

然而你们却接近了熙雍山和永生天主的城,天上的耶路撒冷,接近了千万天使的盛会。No, you have approached Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and countless angels in festal gathering.

假如家里使用的餐具一直比较素雅,可以增加一些彩色餐具搭配其中,配合节日气氛。If be used in the home tableware compares simple but elegant all the time, can increase tableware of a few color to match among them, cooperate festal atmosphere.