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我知道。I knew.

她知道。She knew.

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我乜知道。I also knew.

我知道这事。I knew that.

她知道为什么。She knew why.

真希望我能知道。I wish I knew.

我知道他所知道的。I knew he knew.

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他知道她说过。He knew she had.

辛娜知道这一点。Siona knew this.

我知道这些迹象。I knew the signs.

我从不知道为什么。I never knew why.

我一看就知道是他。I knew it was him.

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我就知道你会来的。I knew you’d come.

但你永不能知。But you never knew.

我立即认出了他。I knew him at once.

她知道这个故事。She knew the story.

因为她知道我冰雪聪明!She knew I am smart!

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你知道占士没死?。You knew about Jim ?

没有人知道我有它。Nobody knew I had it.

我就知道我不会错的。I knew I wasn't wrong.