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那个村庄正为人口减少而苦恼。The village is suffering from depopulation.

PMIC在确保以百万计的居民中毒,实现议程21减少人口。The PMIC is ensuring that millions of residents are poisoned, fulfilling Agenda 21 depopulation.

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眼下,所有的文明都进入了令人震惊的人口衰退期,这个阶段已经持续好几个世纪。At this level all Civilizations enter upon a stage, which lasts for centuries, of appalling depopulation.

世卫和联合国似乎使用相同的纳粹德国策略,作为其全球人口减少计划。WHO and the UN appear to be using the same Nazi German tactics as part of their global depopulation plan.

如果他们与世界上人口减少的计划进行,根据驻东京的记者本杰明富尔福德,46。Illuminati members if they proceed with world depopulation plans, according to Tokyo-based journalist Benjamin Fulford , 46.

我在跟密歇根的一个朋友聊天的时候,脑子里就想着这件事。我们讨论了底特律的贫穷、犯罪、人口减少和无力偿债等情况。With that in mind, I was talking to a friend in Michigan. We discussed Detroit's poverty, crime, depopulation and insolvency.

有些山区的农民现在已经在田园消失后挣扎于失业的边缘,农民Kight说。Many hill farmers are already struggling and rural depopulation from loss of jobs is already taking place, said Kight the farmer.

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然而,尽管柏林周边、莱比锡和波罗的海沿岸的某些地区出现繁荣景象,但其他多数地区面临人口减少和高失业率的惨淡局面。But while some areas on the outskirts of Berlin, in Leipzig and along the Baltic shore are thriving, much of the rest suffers from depopulation and high unemployment.

在封闭腔,对理想的四能级激光系统,无辐射衰减速率为零时微腔激光器的光输出特性是线性的。In the closed microcavity of an ideal four-level laser system, when nonradiative depopulation is zero, the light output property of the microcavity laser is linearly.

底说,僧侣上门服务这样的创新对于佛教的生存非常重要。由于社会变迁和农村人口的减少,大部分寺庙的香火钱变少了。Soko said innovations like obosan-bin are vital to Buddhism's survival. Most temples' dues-paying congregations are shrinking as a result of social change and rural depopulation.