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该产品手感丰满、弹性足、悬垂性好。The fabric is good at handle, elasticity and pendency.

可终只是轻轻的垂下头,什么也没说。Can finally just lightly of pendency head, what don't also say.

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突然,国王停住了,垂下了双手,这个幸福的人没有穿衬衣!Suddenly, the king stopped, pendency hands, this happy person didn't wear underclothing!

看一眼二人,不语大师只是垂下了眸子,又诵了一声佛号。See 1 the eye is 2 people, not the language main was just pendency Mou son, and then cantillated a Buddha.

她的头顶带着一定黑色的斗笠,垂下的黑纱将她的脸全数盖住。Her top of brain takes the rain hat in decisive dark, pendency of the crape cover up her face absolute sum.

对四卷筒抓斗卸船机抓斗开闭的影响因素进行定量分析,根据悬索理论,给出了悬垂段钢丝绳的悬垂方程。With the help of catenary theory, it gets the catenary equation for the steel wire rope at pendency segment.

锦之面上挂着笑意,半垂下的眼帘遮住了眼中复杂的神色。The noodles of the brocade up hang to smile an fancy, the eyelid of half pendency blocks difficult wind in eye.

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“没,没有。”他垂下的眼眸看不出眼中的慌乱,努力的用着最平静的。"Have no, have no. "The eyes of his pendency can not acquaint the fluster in the eye and use to be calm most hard.

然后,他便垂下脸去,吻住了那仿佛光瓣一般娇嫩的嘴唇。Then, he then the pendency face go and kissed that to imitate Buddha light petal generally juvenile and slight lips.

临时专利申请的依赖持久的12个月之日起临时适用存档。A provisional application for patent has a pendency lasting 12 months from the date the provisional application is filed.

在这些行政行动悬而未决之时,其他和蜗牛镖有关的事情也开始发生。During the pendency of these administrative actions, other developments of relevance to the snail darter issue were transpiring.

如果遇见你,必须要垂下金衣化为泥土,我为何要满足于这乍现的光芒?If meet you, must the pendency gold dress change into the mud, I why want to be contented with this is suddenly now of ray of light?

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由于这个悬而未定的内部调查,盛大科技不能如期提交10-K年度财务报告。目前该公司不能估计这个对相关问题的内部调查会有什么样的结果。Due to the pendency of the internal investigation, the Company will not be able to file its Annual Report on Form 10-K in a timely manner.

经过长时间搁置才公布的专利被人形容为“潜水艇专利”,因为它们在没有任何警告的情况下浮出水面进行攻击。U. S. patents that are issued after a long period of pendency have been characterized as "submarine patents" because they may surface without warning.

为了克服张力金属丝存在的悬垂对导航精度的影响,提出了一种双张力金属丝法对悬垂量进行修正的方法。In order to eliminate the effects of strained-wire pendency on the navigating precision, a double-strained-wire amending method to the wire was proposed.

二百多年的历史中,清朝宫廷里有许多扑朔迷离的事件因种种原因被统治者极力的掩盖起来,成了历史的悬案。Two hundreds ago, so many whirling events , which were covered up by the governors in the Qing Dynasty for a variety of reasons, became cases of pendency.

但是,在帝王的陵寝建筑上或多或少地出现一些令人疑惑的地方,我们应该能够从中找到一些解开这些历史悬案的线索。But in the architecture of Emperors'tomb beds appeared more or less doubtful places, from which we can find some clues and uncover the historic cases of pendency.

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但由于转换波射线路径具有明显的不对称性,且转换点坐标是深度、炮检距、纵横波速度及倾角等多种因素的函数,使得CCP的定位十分困难。It is difficult to locate CCP exactly due to the asymmetry of converted wave ray path and the de pendency of CCP on depth, offset, P-wave velocity, and S-wave velocity.

本发明通过所附的权利要求单独定义,其包括在本申请及提出的这些权利要求的等价物未决期间所进行的改进。The invention is defined solely by the appended claims including any amendments made during the pendency of this application and all equivalents of those claims as issued.

诊断符合率和待诊率是衡量临床医疗质量及管理质量的重要统计指标。Diagnostic coincidence and pendency are important statistical indexes in hospital administration, they come from hospital statistical program in hospital information system.