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她所讲的仅限于科学管理问题。She confines her remarks to scientific management.

她所讲的话仅局限于科学管理问题。She confines her remarks to scientific management.

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这个问题在小组范围内进行了酝酿。This question was discussed within the confines of the group.

结论部分,可以超出写作任务给定的主题。Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment.

在有限的空间里,我们紧紧挤在一起,肩并肩。We jammed together, shoulder-to-shoulder, in the narrow confines.

超出了中西部以外,马凯特大学根本就没什么名气。Beyond the confines of the upper midwest, however, Marquette is unknown.

但是在这个深红色的卧室里面根本没有所谓的游吟诗人。But inside the bedroom's crimson confines there is no trace of The Bard.

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20世纪20年代,性爱刚从维多利亚女王时代禁锢中解脱。In the 1920s, sex was just starting to escape from the confines of Victorianism.

严格遵守穴居人哲学,你的人生将会有很大的飞跃。Stay within the confines of the caveman philosophy and your life is going to soar.

班尼斯特拒绝在“四分钟一英里”的范围内工作。Bannister refused to work within the confines of the belief of the four-minute mile.

在太阳系狭小的范围内,它不会给我们带来太严重的不便。Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely.

在访问一所小学时,她拿白宫的清规戒律开玩笑。At an elementary school visit, she joked about the confines of the White House grounds.

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四合苑画廊并不局限于某一特殊艺术风格。The gallery's approach is not to limit itself to the confines of a particular art style.

然后,无论方案是什么,必须控制在项目资源能实现的范围内。Then, whatever the solution, it must fit within the confines of the project's resources.

家庭干预是可怕的错误在一个孤立的湖边的房子,雪白的限制。A family intervention goes horrifically awry in the snowy confines of an isolated lake house.

微变电容式传感器是为边境线、狱墙等场合的需要而设计的。Micro-variation capacitance sensors are designed for use in guiding border-lines or confines.

党的组织已经从狭小的圈子中走了出来,变成了全国性的大党。Organizationally, it has stepped out of its narrow confines and become a major national party.

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第五章说到要不断学习超出现有工作范围的知识,开篇提到The fifth chapter talks about pursuing ongoing learning beyond the confines of your current job.

这种含糊是重要的,因为它令弗雷德里克的标语在言论保护的范畴内。The ambiguity matters because it places Frederick's sign within the confines of protected speech.

把任何超越人类知识范畴的事物统统界定为伪科学是没有道理的。It is against reason to define as pseudo-science whatever is beyond the confines of human knowledge.