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我要一辆旅行车。I want a station wagon.

一辆大篷车辘辘地驶过场地。A wagon rumbled over the ground.

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我想要买一辆连马的送货车。I want to buy a horse and wagon.

笼头是马具的一部分。He harnessed the horse to a wagon.

有一匹马还踢翻了一辆拉草车。One horse kicked a hay wagon over.

他把马套到四轮马车上。An ox pulls a wagon into the village.

弹药箱是由马匹来拉的。A caisson is a wagon pulled by horses.

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他把乾草叉上大车。He pitchforked the hay into the wagon.

他把这个很重的箱于扛到了货车上。He heaved the heavy box into the wagon.

我现在戒酒,给我一杯柠檬水好吗?May I have a lemonade?I am on the wagon.

向“小红车”基金会捐款Donate to the Little Red Wagon Foundation.

用叉子把草捆挑到马车上去。Fork the bales and lift them onto the wagon.

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在囚车里她还是发疯似的尖叫。In the wagon she went on screaming insanely.

他有一个红色的霍顿旅行车。He has a red Hol den Commodore station wagon.

有如车轮跟随拉车之牛的足蹄。As the wagon wheel follows the hoof of the ox.

一个老式的旅行车,更新所有。Station wagon of old-fashioned, to update all.

康内斯托加式宽轮篷车在美国历史中的角色Role of the Conestoga Wagon in American History

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我戒过酒,不过现在又不戒了。I once quit drinking, but I'm off the wagon now.

我现在戒酒,给我一杯柠檬水好吗?May I have a cup of lemonade? I am on the wagon.

因此,他们装了一车皮与所有的东西。So they loaded up a wagon with all their things.