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许多投资商都‘熊市’的关系而悲观失望。Many investors were cast down for the bearish market.

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RSI也是有向下先兆,也是一个看跌的信号。RSI is headed down hard as well, also a bearish signal.

对于经济和原油需求来说都是不利的。This is bearish for both the economy and for demand for oil.

但是流传的证据表明很多人都看跌。But anecdotal evidence suggests plenty of people are bearish.

没有出现阴烛,走势还要继续走。Not appeared bearish candlesticks, the trend is still continue.

的,越来越多的研究者开始看跌证券类股。And, more and more researchers began to bearish brokerage shares.

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铜价上扬,未受伦敦金属交易所铜库存增加的影响.Copper rally bucks bearish impact from rising stockpiles in London.

如果数字下浮至同样的额度,那么熊市的局面将可能出现。If the number is instead lower by the same margin, it would be bearish.

如果这派悲观看法是正确的,石油公司将被迫采取行动。If the bearish forecasts are correct, oil companies will be forced to act.

但是,由于今年存在锈菌问题,过高的库存也许并不那么令人担忧。However, with rust a concern this year, such a carryout may not be as bearish.

但那个月早些时候,马特又承认金价的走势和他看空后市的观点完全相反。Earlier that month, he confessed that Old Yeller kept defying his bearish view.

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另外,我们的中期指标正在适度地悲观。In addition, our intermediate-term indicators are currently moderately bearish.

熊市中的债券交易者正在与美联储酣斗,并且成功地将债券的收益推高。Bearish bond traders are fighting the Fed and winning at bidding up bond yields.

他说,“最近几个月看跌是错的,但是,我想这是谨慎的。”“Being bearish in recent months was wrong, but I think it was prudent,” he says.

如今,隐含波动率曲线看上去却是一副“微笑”的样子,说明看跌方已与看涨方势均力敌了。now they look like a smile, indicating bearish bets have caught up with bullish ones.

目前,由于宏观经济因素的持续恶化,我们更倾向于看跌石油股。We are now leaning more bearish on oil equities, mainly due to worsening macro factors.

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白糖的熊市趋势看来在持续的卖盘下还将继续。Bearish trend in sugar futures are projected to continue on additional selling on Thursday.

面对如此暗淡的趋势,看涨油价者不应把提振油价的希望过多寄托在银行身上。Faced with such bearish trends, oil bulls shouldn't bank so heavily on banks to lift prices.

相反,最近大量行情下跌的报告警告说,中国的经济不久将会爆破。In contrast, a recent flurry of bearish reports warn that China’s economy could soon implode.