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买个还过得去的相机。Use a decent camera.

他是个很规矩的人。He is quite a decent fellow.

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买一个体面的,适合坐的椅子。Get a decent ergonomic chair.

他看起来像个相当正经的人。He seems quite a decent fellow.

我一会儿就可以把你打扮得整整齐齐的。I'll make you decent in a trice.

人的本性是善良的,有分寸的。People are basically good, decent.

我是一个诚实、秉直、正派的人。I'm an honest, upright, decent man.

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灵位,薪水也更高。In addition, the pay is more decent.

什么才是生活体面的标准?What is a decent standard of living?

我有一块滑板和一辆还不错的自行车。I had a skateboard and a decent bike.

他游手好闲,不务正业。He idled about and did no decent work.

如何自制成本不高逼格不低的咖啡?。How to make decent coffee at low cost?

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所以,给自己买个像样的电饭煲吧。So, get yourself a decent rice cooker.

他还做得一手像样的溜鸡片。He also makes a decent chicken piccata.

我推荐一家像样的法国餐厅。I recommend a decent French restaurant.

切勿讲不文雅的故事。Never tell stories that are not decent.

人基本上是诚实和向善的。People are basically honest and decent.

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阅读是为了活得体面和高贵。Reading is to live decent and nobility.

正派社会的目标是什么?What are the goals of a decent society?

在D200机身上对焦速度很不错。The AF speed is very decent on the D200.