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我看见奶奶在我的施洗仪式上。I saw nana at my baptizing.

温迪还在搂着娜娜。And still Wendy hugged Nana.

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他们喜欢娜娜吗?是的,他们喜欢。Do they love Nana? Yes, they do.

娜娜当然是没有恶意的。Nana was certainly not spiteful.

娜娜上学校投诉,还撤一帆的头发。Nana scolds Yifan and even tugs Yifan's hair.

奶奶和爷爷有爸爸和他的哥哥和妹妹。Nana and Poppa had Daddy and his brother and sister.

为了应付数学考试,娜娜学了一个通宵。Nana pulled an all-nighter to study for her math exam.

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我明白了,老师相信你,走,我们一起找娜娜谈谈去。I see, I trust you, let's go and have a talk with Nana together.

娜娜发现大脚是怡嘉的父亲后立刻看不起怡嘉。Nana despises Yijia when she finds out that Big Foot is her father.

娜娜知道麦可是居福的儿子后立刻息事。Nana rests her case when she finds out that Michael is Jufu's elder son.

大家好,我是一年级二班的罗雨卿,我今年六岁半。Hello everybody. I'm Nana from Class 2 Grade 1. I'm six years and a half.

奶奶今年84岁,我问她是否幻想过再活16年。Nana is 84 years old and I asked her if she fancied living another 16 years.

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矮杨梅分布与煤矿分布的相关性。The relation between the distributions of Myrica nana Cheval and that of coal.

但爷爷乐于卧床不起,奶奶却为自己的处境感到沮丧。But while he is happily bedridden, Nana is utterly frustrated by her situation.

怡嘉因失去娜娜这个大客户而气得当场与信安分手。Yijia is upset at losing Nana as a client and breaks up with Xin An on the spot.

娜娜在这些日子里,完全掉进一个伤感的少女所常常沉溺的幻梦之中。Nana in those days was subject to the fancies a sentimental girl will indulge in.

她们坐在长凳上,而娜娜是伏卧在地板上,不过这是唯一的不同之处。They sat on forms, while Nana lay on the floor, but that was the only difference.

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老人被安排在后面的卧房里,里面有厕所和淋浴。Nana and Poppy get the bedroom in the back, which is where the toilet and shower are.

就在她穿过客厅的时候,母亲看到了她的祖母,满面愁容地站在那。As she walked through our lounge room, she saw her Nana standing there looking worried.

“娜娜,好狗,”达林先生拍拍她的脑袋说,“我在你的盆子里倒了一点牛奶,娜娜。”"Nana, good dog," he said, patting her, "I have put a little milk into your bowl, Nana."