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我们在此报道一例罕见的由CEI所致的瘘管形成。We report a rare complication of syrinx formation resulting from a CEI.

当非chiariI型畸形的病人发现脊髓空洞时,通常需要排外恶性肿瘤。Always exclude malignancy when a syrinx is identified in the non-Chiari I patient.

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鸟类是具有复杂声行为的动物,其拥有特殊的发声器官——鸣管。Birds have complex vocal behavior, their sounds are produced by vocal organ syrinx.

计算机辅助脊髓造影术表明金属线还在原位,且瘘管已经塌陷。Computer-assisted myelography indicated that the metal wire remained in place and that the syrinx had collapsed.

鸣管是鸟的发声器,在鸟的胸腔内部,是专门用来歌唱的器官。The syrinx is the bird's voice box, an organ that lies deep in a bird's chest and is uniquely fashioned for song.

及早彻底切除病灶是治疗耳前瘘管较佳治疗方法。The thorough excision focus of infection is early treats in front of the ear the syrinx good method of treatment.

结论用“T”型管行脊髓空洞-腹腔分流术治疗较大型脊髓空洞症是合理且长期有效的方法。Conclusion Using syrinx-peritoneal shunt with"T"tube is a kind of reasonable and reliable method to treat the large syrinx cavity.

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秉持开放的思维,管弦五重奏团力图尝试演绎更多来自不同历史时期,不同地域,风格多样的作品。An open mind-set keeps encouraging Syrinx Brass and String Quintet to try a ranging of works varied from periods , countries and styles.

脊髓内肿瘤两极的空洞形成,考虑与肿瘤压迫,循环障碍,水肿液蓄积有关。The syrinx located by the ends of spinal cord tumor might be resulted from tumor pressure, circulatory disturbances and edematous fluid accumulation.

探讨伴脊髓空洞症的脊柱侧凸患者在无神经症状且达到矫形指征时应否于矫形之前对脊髓空洞进行外科处理。To investigate whether syrinx should by treated before correction in patients with scoliosis complicated by syringomyelia without neurologic impairment.

该空洞可随时间拖延而扩大,摧毁脊髓中枢,症状随空洞的大小及所在而不同。The syrinx can expand and elongate over time, destroying the centre of the spinal cord and causing symptoms that vary with the syrinx's size and location.

脊髓空洞症可藉由磁共振成像来诊断。通过手术矫正致病因素,能使患者的身体状况趋于稳定或得到改善。Syringomyelia may be diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging. Surgery to correct the condition that caused the syrinx to form may stabilize or improve a patient's health.