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原产品未涉及上述变更时,本产品也不能变更。If the original products are not changed, then the ODM product shall not be changed.

我们引进了先进的生产线,能够满足你的需要,贴牌生产及代工。We have introduced advanced production lines which are able to meet your needs of OEM & ODM.

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除了方正自主品牌产品、方正也为广大客户服务提供OEM和ODM服务。Besides the Founder branded products, Founder Technology also provides OEM and ODM services for our customers.

然而,当BPDM或ODM被认可时,EAML将继续发展以能够利用OMG标准。However, when either BPDM or ODM are approved, EAML will evolve in order take advantage of these OMG standards.

不过,这种模式并没有削弱华宝、广达和纬创这三家戴尔主要ODM供应商发挥的作用。This does not diminish, however, the role played by Compal , Quanta and Wistron, Dell's principal ODM suppliers.

它专注于ODM产品的运作,从事现代高档卫浴设备的开发与销售。It is dedicated to operation of ODM products and engaged in development and sale of modem top-grade bathroom equipments.

在从事OEM与ODM的贸易合作的同时,我们努力地建设自身品牌。OEM and ODM engaged in Smartway's trade cooperation, meanwhile, we also develop our own brand as a world-renowned brand.

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负责ODM产品开发项目的运作,设定开发计划,保证项目满足预算、按时交付。Responsible for setting up ODM project development schedules and ensuring completion of project on-time and within budget.

如果有任何问题发生在我们的原始设计制造商海试期间,因此我们的服务工程师外观将拥有造船厂信心。If any problem occur on our ODM during the sea trial hence our service engineer appearance will boasts shipyard confidence.

NCT钣金加工、箱体机构设计、模具制造量产、机械零件生产及各项产业之设计制造OEM和ODM产品。NCT pressing & stamping, chassis manufacturing, metal mold design, machinery parts production, and custom OEM & ODM products.

中国OEM厂商为了生存和发展务必要进行业务升级,逐步实现从OEM厂商到ODM厂商再到OBM厂商的转变。It is necessary for the survival and development of those OEM firms to be upgraded, i. e. to transform from OEM to ODM and to OBM firms.

IDC包括ODM销售总额预估,却并不能预估这块市场的大小。Gartner and IDC include estimates of ODM sales in their overall server market numbers, but they can’t actually peg the size of the market.

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青柳旗下现在有一家研发公司,一家电子厂和一家玩具厂,主要的业务是提供OEM和ODM服务给日本客户。Nowadays it owns one R&D company, one electronics factory and one toys factory, offering OEM and ODM services to Japanese customers mainly.

我们在深圳有自己的研发基地,其创新OEM、ODM能力、科技水平均保持着业内领先水平。We in Shenzhen have their own R &D base and its innovative OEM, ODM capability, maintaining an average water technology industry-leading level.

因而天惠电气承担了国内外各大企业的ODM供应商,也是各成套企业和中间商的最佳选择。Ltd has been the ODM supplier for different companies at home and abroad, and it is the best selection for Complete Plant Corporations and Intermediaries.

并在深圳建有研发中心,已取得多项国家专利和多项核心工艺技术,具备承担客户特殊要求的专项产品研发能力。Thanks to KHJ R&D center in ShenZhen, KHJ has achieved a number of patents and a number of core technology and has ODM and OEM capabilities for special products.

碧晶半导体是以创新自主技术,从事IC客制化与电路微小化ODM业务。The Beking IC company owns self-innovation technology to deal with the ODM business of Application-Specific Integrated Circuit and of minimizing electronic circuits.

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公司借助了集团成熟的制造经验和国际化的管理模式,已经成为中国乃至全球汽车等速万向节市场上一家极具竞争力的公司。Introducing international advanced experience on manufacturing and management, now ODM becomes a very competitive enterprise in China and even on the world C. V. Joint market.

宝发实业有限公司是建基于香港的公司。在行内有多年经验,专门生产及经销厨房设备及其他配件、餐饮用品、产品OEM及ODM等。Pro-Fit Industrial Co. Ltd. is a Hong Kong based company, specializes in manufacturing and selling kitchen equipment and accessories, F&B supplies, kitchen OEM & ODM products.

本公司愿以一流的品质、一流的服务、一流的信誉为全世界的顾客提供高品质的OEM、ODM服务。This company is willing take the first-class quality, the first-class service, the first-class prestige to provide the high quality as the world customer OEM, the ODM service.