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用中脚尖旋转着的青春期驼背鲸。An adolescent humpback whale in mid-pirouette.

驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱着她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

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驼背鲸妈妈仍然爱著她的白化病宝宝。This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby.

在墨西哥阿卡普尔科海岸附近,潜水员救助了一只座头鲸。Divers rescued a humpback whale off the coast of Acapulco, Mexico.

而且日本此次的捕鲸计划首次将珍稀物种座头鲸纳入捕杀名单。The hunt will include notable humpback whales for the premier time.

在此过程中,她改变了我们对座头鲸原有的认识。In the process, she changed our understanding of the humpback whale.

座头鲸保持著世界上哺乳动物中迁徙距离最长的记录。Humpback whales hold the world's record for longest mammalian voyage.

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座头鲸不仅仅自己唱,它们还模仿别的鲸的歌声。Humpback whales not only sing, they imitate the singing of other whales.

这是一只小蜗牛和一只巨大的蓝灰色隆背鲸鱼的故事。This is the tale of tiny snail and a great big, grey-blue humpback whale.

虽然对于鲸鱼已经观察了几十年,没人看到过驼背鲸交配。Despite decades of observation, no one has witnessed humpback whales mating.

一条驼背鲸鱼突破在查塔姆海峡刚才从巴拉诺夫岛,阿拉斯加州。A humpback whale breaches in Chatham Strait just off of Baranof Island, Alaska.

在拜伦湾新潮的海滩天堂乘坐悬挂式滑翔机和观看座头鲸。Hang-glide and spot humpback whales in the new-age beach paradise of Byron Bay.

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座头鲸分布在世界各地的海域,通常长到12-15米。Humpback whales, which are found in seas around the world, usually grow to 12-15m.

澳大利亚拜伦大利亚湾海面上一只取名为白鲸的白色驼背鲸。A white humpback whale named Migaloo is seen off the coast of Byron Bay, Australia.

每年都有很多驼背鲸从南极来到这里,把大堡礁当作觅食乐园。It is a breeding ground for humpback whales that migrate from the Antarctic each year.

这里一直发生着这种事——直到一队座头鲸来到这片海域为止。That's what was happening here — until a group of humpback whales arrived on the scene.

世界上只有发现白色驼背鲸的记录,首次发现是在1991年。Migaloo is the only documented white humpback in the world and was first spotted in 1991

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所有的雄性座头鲸们在某个特定的时间段都唱同一首歌。All the males in a humpback whale population usually sing just one song at any given time.

在杰维斯湾吃午饭时,一只座头鲸懒洋洋地游上来,喷着水珠,摇晃尾鳍。At lunchtime in Jervis Inlet, a humpback whale surfaced lazily, spouting and waving a fin.

在南非附近,一头有着四十吨力气的座头鲸冲出了水面。Forty tons of gleaming muscle, a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa.