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哪些值是真正被允许的?What exactly are the allowable values?

现在的总数是美国和欧洲许可数量的20倍。It's now 20 times the allowable amounts in the US and Europe.

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因为是独特结构,允许张力大。Because of unique structure , belts have high Allowable tension.

最大增益是使用自动获取方式获取最大允许值。Max Gain is use in Auto Gain mode as the maximum allowable gain value.

不允许存在修补不良的枕段,损坏枕段及较大破洞。Poorly patched spaces, bad surfaces and larger holes are not allowable.

同一条管道,夏季的允许最低进站油温应比冬季的油温低。The allowable oil temperature in summer can be lower than that in winter.

设计要求、强度设计值可转换为许用应力设计值。Strength Design values may be converted to Allowable Stress Design values.

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螺栓孔孔距的允许偏差应符合规范的规定。Bolt Hole Spacing should be consistent with the allowable deviation of norms.

我做震撼通场这个动作的目标是在完全加力的状态下以尽可能快的速度飞越观众。My goal for the dedication pass is to go by the crowd as fast as allowable in full AB.

窗口是在客户端时钟和服务器时钟之间所允许的最大偏差。The window is the maximum allowable drift between the client clock and the server clock.

更好的方法是识别可允许的字符并仅允许那些字符。A better approach is to identify the allowable characters and allow only those characters.

建议高速铁路无缝线路稳定性安全温升标准为60℃。It recommend 60 as the safe allowable temperature limits for high-speed railway CWR track.

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在这些规则下,自我治理是不允许的,模型在一般情况下都是很安全的。Self-governance is not allowable under these rules, and the models are generally very safe.

最大密度是由水力输送所容许的流态极限控制的。The maximum density is governed by the allowable limit of fluidity for hydraulic transport.

对40英寸长的主珩架构件允许的直线度偏差是多少?What is the allowable deviation from straightness for a 40 foot long primary truss member ?

而且既可以单独使用,也可与抗粘连药物结合使用。Meanwhile single application and combined application with anti-adhesion drug are allowable.

这种流程允许应用程序只执行登录用户权限范围内的操作。This process allows the application to perform only operations allowable to the logged-in user.

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其他一些限制条件也可以进行设置,比如容许值、最大长度、模式等等。Other restrictions such as allowable values, minimum length, patterns, and so on can also be set.

我国允许应用的营养强化剂主要有维生素类、氨基酸类和无机盐类。The allowable nutrition fortifier in China mainly covers vitamins, amino acids, and inorganic salt.

检测到电源电压大于最大允许值时,系统自动保护。Detected motor current is greater than the maximum allowable value, the automatic protection system.