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一个强硬的紧缩型货币市场A money market tough to tighten

拉紧已松弛的尾缆!Tighten the slacked stern line!

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我们得勒紧裤带了。We've got to tighten our belts.

用扳手扳紧锁紧帽。Tighten locking nut with spanner.

但我通过声音拧紧辐条。But I tighten the spokes by sound.

这个月我不可不勒紧裤腰带过生活。I get to tighten my belt that month.

排毒皮肤和收紧毛孔。Detoxifies the skin and tighten pores.

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你应该穿防弹衣的,好吗?You want to tighten up the kevlar, OK?

插入并且旋紧十字槽头螺丝。Insert and tighten Phillips head screw.

你要想调节和绷紧你的腿。You want to tone and tighten your legs.

大腿却不能随意束紧的。But not at liberty to tighten the thigh.

压紧盘片,调整螺旋高度。Tighten the disc height adjusting screw.

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这个螺丝松了,我得把它拧紧点。I need to tighten this screw. It's loose.

把气缸盖上的螺母上紧。Tighten up the nuts on the cylinder cover.

将螺丝钉往右扭转,使它钉紧。Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.

必要时扭紧或更换部件。Tighten or replace components as necessary.

这就是高潮前肌肉会紧绷的原因。This is why your muscles tighten before orgasm.

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安装量规部件前旋紧制动螺钉。Tighten clamp screw and install scale assembly.

立即拧紧手钳或气动工具。Tighten instantly with hand pliers or Air Tool.

将螺丝钉向右旋转拧紧它。SCREW】Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.