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心灵是最好的指南针。Your heart is your best compass.

保时捷设计P'6520指南针手表Porsche Design P'6520 Compass Watch

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用圆规把一个角二等分。Use your compass to bisect an angle.

我需要一支圆规画圆。A compass needle points to the north.

罗盘上南与北是相对的。South is opposite north on a compass.

是的,有一个指南针很重要。Yes, it’s important to have a compass.

只用圆规作双纽线!Constrcut Lemniscate with Compass Only.

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我需要一个圆规来画圈。I will need a compass to draw a circle.

指南针首先是风水先生发明和使用的。First compass was invented and marriages.

她连最简单的问题都不能理解。She could not compass the simplest problems.

他想尽一切办法去实现他的目标。He went to all lengths to compass his purpose.

磁罗经的误差没有校正。The error of magnetic compass is not adjusted.

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在北极点,为什么不需要指南针?Why don't we need a compass at the North Pole?

那自四面到临的风,天顶的太阳。Wind from the compass points, sun at meridian.

这时就需要罗盘图标发挥作用了。This is where the compass icon comes into play.

指南针的指针方向会改变吗?Does the direction of the compass needle change?

他能通过看星星辨别方向。He could tell the points of compass by the stars.

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为了达到我们的目标,我们必须努力工作。In order to compass our object we must work hard.

杰克的罗盘,贝克特要它干嘛?Jack's compass? What does Beckett want with that?

在北极为什么不需要指南针?Because the compass donn't face to south at there.