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这狗发出可怜的叫声。The dog gave a piteous cry.

然后,就是那低得可怜的点击。And then, is the piteous low click.

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啊,一群自私的可怜虫!Oh, a group of selfish piteous creatures!

约翰那模样好惨,活像一只落水的老鼠。John looked piteous , like a drowned mouse.

我们听到可怜的痛苦受难的呻吟。We heard piteous sounds of suffering and pain.

她把声音放得很低,一副悲悲戚戚的样子,真是可怜。She dropped her voice, and looked so sad and piteous.

你不要抓我,否则我的孩子没了母亲会很可怜!Don't take me, or my child will be motherless and piteous.

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从门后可以听见悲惨的孤立无援的动物的呻吟。Piteous , helpless, animal groans came from the next room.

娜塔莎不能心平气和地望见他那副惨样子。Natasha could not see him in such a piteous plight without emotion.

没有人陪他或者和他一起玩,我们倒觉得他可怜。We felt piteous for him because no one could accompany or play with him.

片刻之后,他转过身来,弯下腰吻了吻她那楚楚可怜的脸蛋。After a few seconds he turned back to her, and bending kissed her piteous face.

第一种情况不能引发怜悯或恐惧,只能单纯引起我们的厌恶。The first situation is not fear-inspiring or piteous , but simply odious to us.

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石子打在狗的身上,狗哀叫一声,似乎什么地方痛了。The stone hit the dog on the back. He let out a piteous cry apparently with pain.

责难的哀吟,淹没在人群雷霆怒吼之中。The piteous moan of reproach was drowned in the angry and menacing roar of the mob.

突然,那狼颤动了一下,牙齿咯咯作响,从嗓子眼里发出一声令人怜悯的哀鸣。Sunddenly the wolf trembled. Its teeth clacked, and a piteous whine rose from its throat.

她先是吃惊地望着我,然后发出一声令人哀怜的叫喊,冲过来用她的小手拉住我。Then she gave a most piteous cry, and running to me, she began to pull at me with her little hands.

但是,驱使我做出选择的是深思熟虑了谁是令人怜悯的牵累,而我对此发现得太晚了。My choice, however, was prompted by considerations whose essence was, as I realized too late, a piteous compromise.

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娜塔莎脸上露出欢喜的、同时又是怪可怜的、为这种欢喜请求原谅的表情。And a joyful, and at the same time piteous , expression, that begged forgiveness for its joy, was in Natasha's face.

不要,爸爸,求你。他想说话,但是狗说不出人的语言,只能发出一声哀嚎。No, Father, please, he tried to say, but dogs cannot speak the tongues of men, so all that emerged was a piteous whine.

韦列复金在发出那声惊叫之后,紧接着又痛得他可怜地呼喊,而这一声呼喊倒要了他的命。After the exclamation of surprise that broke from Vereshtchagin he uttered a piteous cry of pain, and that cry was his undoing.