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他在研究员基金资助下出了国。He went abroad on a fellowship.

这是团契相交的问题。This is the question of fellowship.

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我们都想成为友谊的一部分。We want to be a part of a fellowship.

和嘉士伯奖金。and a Carlsberg Foundation Fellowship.

哪种选择更能促进交情?Which choice promotes greater fellowship?

亚力克属于一个报仇团体。Aleck belonged to a fellowship of revenge.

在有谁你需要去修复关系?With whom do you need to restore fellowship?

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光明和黑暗有什么相通呢?Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

为儿童团契发展祷告。Pray for the development of children fellowship.

我们赞赏甘苦与共的精神。We appreciate fellowship in prosperity and adversity.

起先亚力克很喜欢与同学们的伙伴关系。At first Aleck enjoyed the fellowship of his classmates.

在2008年,Herzing博士被授予了古根海姆研究津贴。In 2008, Dr. Herzing was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship.

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既然如此,我们为甚麽仍要费神与教会会友交往呢?So why should I bother to seek out the church's fellowship?

不一会西本就来了,加入了另一边的联谊。Soon XiBen came and joined the other side of the fellowship.

1990年,斯多尔曼被授予麦克阿瑟基金会奖金。Stallman was awarded a MacArthur Foundation fellowship in 1990.

绿带团契是一个粤语团契。Greenbelt Fellowship is a Cantonese-speaking Christian fellowship.

你若寻求与祂有交通,就必能在祂的话里寻见祂。And if you seek fellowship with Him, you will find Him in His Word.

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如果我在相交中与祂同行,我会得着力量能变得像祂。As I walk in fellowship with Him, Iam given strength to be like Him.

凯斯提供的奖学金解决了我的工作问题。The fellowship at Caius took care of my immediate employment problem.

哈哈我说,自从你接受我的申请后,我有赢得了一个奖学金。Heh. And I said, well, since you admitted me, I have won a fellowship.