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操作参与。Operation participation.

鼓励参与。Encourages participation.

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用户关注和参与。User focus and participation.

完美的话甚至是一个参与性运动。Ideally even a participation sport.

上课参加活动是否打分数呢?Is there a grade for class participation?

支持、参与和开发AQP。AQP support, participation and development.

名额有限,免费品酒,预订有效!Seats limited. Participation by Reservation!

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迟到者将失去参加这场会议的资格。Latecomers lose their right to participation.

希望各位青年踊跃报名参加。We look forward to your active participation.

我会尽力阻止他的参与。I will do my best to stave off his participation.

我们已经正式签署参展合同。We have formally signed a Participation Contract.

它们都具有很大的社区参与基础。Both have a large base of community participation.

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客户踊跃参与。There's just enormous participation from customers.

是的,要求你们天天要去语言实验室Yes. Daily participation in language labs required.

从开始到结束,鼓励涉众加入其中。Drive participation and buy-in, from start to finish.

我们如何定义等级分度?参与度?How do we define graduation to levels? Participation?

凭票参与,谢谢合作。Ticket participation , thank you for your cooperation.

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重在参与,互通有无。Participation and communication are always appreciated.

参与标准化工作在濮院蔚然成风。Participation in standardization work in PUYUAN prevail.

随着日本的失败,亚洲球队在本届世界杯全部宣告出局。Japan's defeat ended Asia's participation in this World Cup.