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盖子一下弹开了。The lid sprang open.

她把盖子拴紧了。She tied the lid down.

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这盖子能装上去吗?Can you fit the lid on?

它的壶盖是可以揭开的。Its lid can be removed.

把盖子盖在锅上。Put the lid on the pot.

阅读器端口在盖内。Viewer port in the lid.

她把盖子按了下去。She pressed down the lid.

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盖子啪嗒一声合上了。The lid shut with a snap.

拿盖儿把这个罐子盖紧。Fasten the lid on the jar.

那个盖子是配这个坛子的。That lid belongs to the jar.

仿佛你把这个城市的盖子揭开了一样。He lifted the lid of a tureen.

他旋掉了坛子上的盖儿。He screwed the lid on the jar.

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仅只是眼睑,如此琐细。Merely lid. How trivial it is.

把盖子盖在垃圾筒上。Put the lid on the garbage can.

那个箱盖砰的一声开了。The lid of the box popped open.

不要打开炉盖.Do not open the lid of the stove.

我盖不好这个箱子盖儿。I cannot fit the lid on this box.

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玻璃盖可在洗碗机中安全清洗。The glass lid is dishwasher safe.

追问是谁忘了盖马桶盖。Asking who left the toilet lid up.

你能帮我把这盖子拧下来吗?Can you help me work this lid off?