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我只有在社交场合下才饮酒。I only drink socially.

社交也游刃有余。I was doing well socially.

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这位邻居跟他只是泛泛之交。It was a neighbor he knew only socially.

体育运动,学术,社交都很成功。Doing well sports, academics and socially.

它是社会认可的可食用的东西It's a socially acceptable thing to be eating.

一个人可以通过社交而习得不健康的饮食习惯。Unhealthy eating habits can be socially learned.

这是在教育孩子要有社会责任意识,And it's about educating children to be socially aware

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工作迷可能是唯一一种受社会赦免的疾病。Workaholism may be the only socially condoned disease.

这里的白种人不与土人交往。The white people here don't mix socially with the natives.

我们可以延长这种感情到什么程度,暂时的还是社会性的?How far can we extend this emotion, temporally and socially?

索希利·罗鲁塔特是一个本应该不会存在的人。Socially Rolutat, is a person who should never have existed.

终日服食不健康食品已经成了社会接受的事情了。It’s become socially acceptable to eat bad food all day long.

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耶利内克获奖归功于其小说和戏剧深刻的社会批判性。She is recognised for her socially critical novels and plays.

价值规律是商品价值由社会必要劳动时间决定的规律。The law of value is determined by socially necessary labour time.

她对社会持怀疑态度,在诗歌界并没有很大的影响。Socially tentative, she did not make waves in the world of poetry.

谁会想到学习新单词也能带来社会责任感呢?Whoever thought learning new words could feel socially responsible?

伯格鲁恩先生向社会责任投资的转变是一个渐进的过程。Mr. Berggruen's shift to socially responsible investing was gradual.

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小先生将学会在社会上和文明上运用英语的准确表达方式。Pupils will use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.

尼安德特人社会发展先进,但是没有留下任何艺术品,装饰品或是珠宝饰品。Socially advanced but left no signs of art, decoration or jewellery.

我从没遇到过内行的或是善于交际的人。I have never met anybody either professionally or socially that says.