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爸爸是个没骨头的胆小鬼。Father's a cowardly custard.

张红夫妻显得懦弱。Hong couples appear cowardly.

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那你也是个没骨头的胆小鬼。So are you a cowardly custard.

他说,“这是懦弱的行动。"It was a cowardly act," he says.

或许我很勇敢,而不懦弱。Maybe I’m brave instead of cowardly.

这样的行为是自虐性的,也是胆小的。This is both masochistic and cowardly.

害怕的母牛赌咒不拖元音字母。The cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

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胆怯的母牛发誓不拖母音字母。the cowardly cow vows not to tow vowels.

你这懦怯的胆小鬼!别这么容易就放弃。You cowardly wimp! Don't give up so easily.

大丈夫直面卑怯的凶手。Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack.

勇敢的敌人胜过懦怯的朋友。A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.

你要是再龟缩的话,我就要嫁给你爷爷了。If you're cowardly again, I'll marry your grandpa.

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死是懦弱.还是解脱痛苦?It is cowardly to death. Unfixed still and painful?

沉迷于效率会让我们变得懦弱。Becoming obsessed with efficiency can make us cowardly.

“我得不到胆量了,”小胆狮说。"And I should get no courage, " said the Cowardly Lion.

是丑恶卑劣的卖国贼!那是你想听到的吗?A filthy cowardly traitor! That's what you want to hear?

他将瑞尔的死描述为“懦弱的谋杀”。He called the killing of Reyes a cowardly assassination.

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他的文笔凶猛,而他本人给人的感觉却有些趋于懦弱。Ferocious in writing, he tended to be cowardly in person.

你可以说这头狮子“胆小如鼠。”You could say that the cowardly lion was "chicken-hearted."

他看不起他们,因为他们这样胆小怕事。He held them in contempt for behaving in such a cowardly way.