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功效滋阴补血。Efficacy nourishing blood.

功效补肾壮骨。Efficacy kidney strong bone.

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教育经济的“马太效应”趋势。MATTHAIOS efficacy of education economy.

LMWH的效果文献已有明确报道。The efficacy of LMWH is well documented.

这种药对他的病有奇效。The medicine have no efficacy in the disease.

奎纳克林已在动物身上显现某些效用。Quinacrine has shown some efficacy in animals.

尿道炎初起时服药疗效就不错。Urethritis rises drug efficacy is pretty good.

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伊丽莎白提不出卓有成效的办法。Elizabeth had nothing to propose of deeper efficacy.

冷光源,单色性好,发光效率高。Cool light, Good monochromaticity. High luminous efficacy.

安慰剂效应掩盖了抗抑郁剂的实效吗?Does Placebo Effect Mask True Efficacy of Antidepressants?

目的探讨米氮平治疗抑郁症的疗效与安全性。Objective To explore efficacy and side effects of mirtazapine.

PA-824正在进行第二期临床测试,以了解其药效。PA-824 is in phase II clinical trials, which look at efficacy.

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利福平胶囊是一种高效“超广谱”的抗生素药物。Rifampicin Capsules is high efficacy broad-spectrum antibiotic.

对比效果的驱蚊剂,防止蚊子叮咬。Comparative efficacy of insect repellents against mosquito bites.

就算是身兼数职的史匹柏,也见识到了数位的效率。Even Spielberg, who wears many hats, sees the efficacy of digital.

评估帕罗西汀和阿米替林治疗抑郁症病人的临床疗效。Objective To evaluate the efficacy and side-effects of paroxetine.

结果门诊森田疗法与住院森田疗法在疗效上大致相同。Results Morita therapy and Morita therapy are similar in efficacy.

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超细珍珠粉具有改善睡眠作用。The super thin pearl powder has the efficacy of sleep improvement.

功效补肝益肾,养血理虚。Efficacy fill the kidneys and liver Daniel, raise blood deficiency.

铁可减少这些药物的吸收和疗效。Iron may decrease the absorption and efficacy of these medications.