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与Szechwan蟹,新鲜的清蒸鱼和生鱼片搭配食用,味道更佳。Goes well with Szechwan crab, fresh steamed fish and sashimi.

我试过广东,湖南和四川菜,他们都颇潍不同。I've Cantonese, Hunan and Szechwan food and they differ quite considerably.

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四川是天府之国,那可富庶得很哪。Szechwan is called the Heavenly Kingdom. There are lots of rich people there.

我会讲上海话,四川话,广东话和国语。I speak the Shanghai dialect, Szechwan dialect, Cantonese and, of course, Mandarin.

只不过,在另一个狭小的圈子——在网络论坛的四川“锦江”里,你却消失了,消失得无影无踪。Only, in another son-in the network forum Szechwan" river", but you disappear, disappear without a trace.

南方烹饪风格的代表是川菜和湘菜,他们以大量地使用辣椒而闻名。Representative of Southern cooking styles are Szechwan and Hunan cuisine, famous for their liberal use of chili peppers.

本公司位于上海,在华东以及四川等内地省份建立了雄厚的货源基地。Our company locates Shanghai, in the East China and Szechwan etc. hinterland province established the strong source base.

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四川花椒是一个很神奇的品种,但是使用太多的效果就像人的手砰地被门夹到的麻木痛楚,只不过转移到了舌头上。Szechwan pepper is an amazing spice, but use too much and the effect is like the pain of slamming one's hand in a door, relocated to the tongue.

四川省德阳博益磁性材料有限公司是专业从事研究、生产软磁铁氧体磁芯及器件的生产企业。Szechwan Deyang Poyee Magnetic Material Co. , Ltd is an enterprise who specializes in research, development and production of soft magnetic ferrite cores and components.

第二条外商在四川省行政区域内投资勘查、开采矿产资源的,适用本条例。Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to foreign businessmen investing in the prospecting and mining of mineral resources within the administrative area of Szechwan Province.

去年,我和来自四川省不同地区的20位姐妹,怀着学习英语的梦想来到这里,共同渡过了许多美好时光。Last year, 20 sisters of my different from come from Szechwan province region, the dream that kept in mind the study English arrived at the here, passing through many fine times together.

结论生化汤中川芎明显增加生化汤中阿魏酸的溶出量,甘草及川芎和桃仁、川芎和甘草的两两交互效应可显著降低阿魏酸的含量。ConclusionThe content of ferulic acid is increased by Szechwan Lovage Rhizome and reduced by Liquorice Root , Szechwan Lovage Rhizome and Peach Seed, Szechwan Lovage Rhizome and Liquorice Root.

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宫爆鸡丁是中国人非常喜欢的一道川菜,其实它的做法并不复杂复杂,下面我将介绍它的做法。The temple explodes the chicken cube is a Szechwan cuisine that the Chinese like very much, in fact not complicated complications of its way of doing, underneath I will introduce its way of doing.

私盐盛行的原因在于利益的驱使、特殊的地理条件以及缉私人员的玩忽职守等。This essay insists that the salt smuggling was wide spread in Szechwan because of benefit-seeking, special geographical conditions and neglecting duty of personnel whose duty is to seize smugglers.