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我是个印度人。I am an Indian.

什么是印第安人?What is an Indian?

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这个是一座印度圆锥形帐篷。This is an Indian teepee.

唱歌曲“十个小印第安男孩”。Sing 10 little Indian boys.

西印度群岛的一种带刺小乔木。Small spiny west indian tree.

你会在印度的恒河之畔Thou by the Indian Ganges side

印度电影不像小说,它并不来源于生活。Indian cinema isn't novelistic.

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印度女人们打赌用姜黄就能解决。Indian women swear by turmeric.

你从他身上已经看到了印度人的洋相了。You've seen in him show indian.

印度驻英国高级专员Indian High Commissioner to U.K.

印度男人应该羞死!Indian men should die of shame !

还有印度区。to like, an Indian neighborhood,

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我认为这只是四声杜鹃。I think this is an Indian Cuckoo.

然后,他又转向那位老印第安人。Then he turned to the old Indian.

和印地安古坟场上?And an ancient Indian burial ground?

我是东印度裔加拿大人。I'm Canadian of East Indian descent.

印度核潜艇下水将引发军备竞赛。Indian N-sub will trigger arms race.

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他们作了穿越印度洋的旅行。They voyaged across the Indian Ocean.

你是美国人,越南人,印度人。You are American, Vietnamese, Indian.

我不能卖给你任何印第安文物。I couldn't sell you any Indian objects.